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Election's biggest loser is Hillary Clinton

Constantin --

The biggest loser of last night's election was Hillary Clinton.

While Democrats across the country were fleeing from President Obama's failed policies and toxic approval ratings, Hillary Clinton stumped across the country for Democrats.

She tried to frame this election around her name and policies as a warm-up act for 2016.

But Hillary-supported Democrats were not just wiped out in red states like Arkansas, Kentucky and Georgia, they were also defeated in swing states such as Colorado, Iowa and North Carolina.  "Read More"

So please join the American people in Saying No to Hillary!

She couldn't even drag a Democrat into the winner circle in the gubernatorial election in deep blue Maryland!

The American people's overwhelming message from last night was Hillary Clinton is yesterday's news.

The voters rejected her claims that businesses don't create jobs, her unhinged foreign policy that weakened America and created a jihadist wonderland in Libya, and her disqualifying failure to provide adequate security in Benghazi.

And thanks to your help, RANDPAC ran targeted online and social media ads in key races such as Kentucky, Iowa and North Carolina to prove Hillary Clinton doesn't have any coattails left worth riding.

Now that the Republican wave washed away Hillary's losers, conservatives must work to undo the disastrous Obama-Clinton agenda.

So please help RANDPAC keep up the momentum from last night by signing your "Say No to Hillary!" pledge of support right away.
In Liberty,

Senator Paul

P.S. The biggest loser in last night's election was Hillary Clinton. In race after race the American people rejected her message as yesterday's news and drubbed Hillary Democrats on Election Day.

Help RANDPAC keep up the momentum from last night by filling out your "Say No to Hillary!" pledge of support and make sure she is NEVER elected to higher office.


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