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Last night was huge! This is a victory for We the People! Credit is due to the victorious candidates. Their message to President Obama is undeniably received, though he’ll try to ignore it.
Thank you, SarahPAC supporters! You allowed us to help so many good candidates; over 30 of them became high profile – including Joni Ernst. Her success last night was the deciding victory in retaking the Senate majority. Thanks to your unwavering support and input, we were able to campaign across the country to highlight these public servants, and together we helped them reach incredible victories for their states and our nation. 
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I know you know me – you know I believe in the beauty of competition. And not that it’s all about wins or losses, but you helped SarahPAC have a better record last night than Hillary Clinton! Nineteen of our general election candidates won, with only two losses for outstanding candidates in Louisiana’s unique jungle primary election, Col. Rob Maness and Zach Dasher. Rob and Zach will be back as we remind them “sometimes you win, sometimes you learn!” because we all learned America has two more great men ready to shake it up and serve in the near future. Do you think this record matched up against Hillary’s is proof that her out-of-touch liberal Obama-following candidates mostly got mauled last night with 10 wins and 14 losses? You betcha’. But you won’t hear about that in the media, so I shall go around them to acknowledge your great accomplishment, SarahPAC supporters and superb SarahPAC staff.
Candidates we supported early on were key in re-taking the Senate. Senator Tim Scott, who you helped boost in his first Congressional primary in 2010, was appointed to this seat by my friend Governor Nikki Haley, who SarahPAC also supported in 2010. Both were reelected last night. Cory Gardner picked up a key Senate seat; remember he was part of our “Take Back the 20” initiative in 2010, where we helped reclaim 19 of the 20 House seats that were held by Democrats in districts John McCain and I carried in 2008. We campaigned in Iowa last spring for a little known hog farmer and tough talking veteran named Joni Ernst, and her victory just tilted the balance of power to the GOP.
Now, let’s remind new Republican majorities in the House and Senate that Americans were not necessarily voting FOR any party yesterday; they were voting AGAINST the continued dysfunction and corruption in D.C. We the People said, “enough is enough” to the scandals, crony capitalism, and utter lack of leadership in Washington.
Democrats should go into hibernation after last night’s mauling, but don’t count on it. Leaders must work even harder now to make sure this doesn’t happen to us in 2016; they must learn lessons from the last time Republicans held the Senate majority. This time, GOP, you must not retreat! And voters, it’s our responsibility to hold them accountable. They must fight for reform that aligns with the limited government planks of the Republican platform; they must not return to the big government cronyism and status quo favored by the permanent political class. Will they drain the swamp or decide the D.C. cesspool is really just a jacuzzi they can’t wait to jump on into and shake us off?
If the GOP returns to business as usual, then this majority will be short lived, for We the People say, “once bitten, twice shy.”
So, establishment types, don’t forget that you didn’t build this victory. This new majority was swept into power thanks to the rank and file commonsense conservative grassroots. That’s who built it. And they expect results. They deserve the best for America.
Thank you again, SarahPAC supporters. Congratulations, USA! God, please bless our future.
With an Alaskan heart,

Sarah Palin


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