Not a king or an emperor

Constantin --

President Obama is betraying the founding principles of America.

Instead of helping immigrants come to America legally, Obama trashed the Separation of Powers by unilaterally changing the laws Congress passed to increase illegal immigration.

Constantin -- we want to celebrate LEGAL immigration in America, not undermine our system of government!

The Executive Branch has no authority to bypass Congress and pick-and-choose which laws to enforce.

Obama is not a king, even if he chooses to act like one.

That's why we're asking you to help RANDPAC fill the halls of Congress with demands from the American people that we won't tolerate a Dictator-in-Chief.

Enough is enough. We can't afford to waste any more time.

The U.S. House reconvenes on December 1st.

RANDPAC needs 100,000 signatures by the November 23rd deadline.

We're contacting hundreds of thousands of Americans across the country, through emails, social media, and digital ads, insisting they join our "Stop Obama's Immigration Lawlessness" Action Bomb.

If RANDPAC floods the offices of every senator and representative in Washington with clear-cut demands from the American people, we can stop President Obama's Executive Amnesty.

So please sign your "Stop Obama's Immigration Lawlessness" petition right now.

After you fill out your petition, please chip in a contribution to help RANDPAC circulate this petition to ensure every American has an opportunity to join this fight.

And remember -- the more we raise, the more we can do. So please sign your petition and chip in right away.
Answered RANDPAC's Action Bomb?

Chip in $10 immediately >>
Chip in $25 immediately >>
Chip in $50 immediately >>
Chip in $100 immediately >>
Or donate another amount >>

In Liberty,

The Team at RANDPAC

Paid for by RANDPAC.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee
Not a king or an emperor
11/21/2014 7:53:32 P.M. Eastern Standard Time

Sent from the Internet (Details)


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