New ISIS invasion imminent near Turkish border!

Dear Constantin,
Martin here with breaking news:
Just as I warned, the White House strategy — attempting to neutralize ISIS with air strikes alone — is a miserable failure.
Last week, I wrote that, despite all the bombs and missiles raining down on them from above 30,000 feet, ISIS is still surging across Northern Syria, still occupying village after village.
I explained that the terrorist army was threatening to invade the Kurdish city, Kobani (population: 400,000), near the Turkish border.
Today, ISIS is no longer just "threatening" Kobani from afar: It's virtually inside Kobani! Vicious, desperate street-to-street fighting is raging there even as I write these words.
Here's why this is so important:
First, because a massacre of untold proportions could be in the making. ISIS considers the Kurds "worse than infidels." They have massacred for lesser reasons many times in recent months. And there is no reason whatsoever to doubt the Kurds' continuing, desperate pleas to the world community to save them from this horrible fate.
Second, because the battle of Kobani will spur a major escalation in the war: Turkey has just vowed to invade Syria. Syria's Assad has just vowed to retaliate. And that fighting is likely to send shock waves throughout the entire region.
Third, the failure of the White House strategy would burst into the headlines — not only in the U.S., but all over Europe. The U.S.-led coalition would have little choice but to send in ground forces.
See the pattern? First a local war. Then a regional war. And ultimately, a kind of world war!
More Impetus to the Global Money Tsunami
This is catastrophic news for millions throughout the Middle East — especially the ruling classes who control trillions of petrodollars based in Persian Gulf countries like Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE and Kuwait.
To them, this is an absolutely staggering, terrifying development: ISIS has simply shrugged off all the bombs and missiles Obama's 50-nation coalition has thrown at it. The terrorists seem unstoppable.
Can you see why I say trillions of dollars in flight capital is headed this way? Every wealthy individual and institution in the Middle East has only one objective now: To get themselves and their money out of harm's way. And America, despite its own problems, is perceived as the safest "safe haven" on the planet.
THIS is why the U.S. dollar is soaring against just about every other currency on the planet: Frightened investors and institutions in the Middle East ... in Hong Kong ... in Eastern Europe and Russia ... and in Western Europe ... are in a dead panic to get their money to safety.
Q: What will they buy with all the dollars they're buying?
A: The safest, highest-potential investments they can find ... the exact same kind of investments we are buying in my Ultimate Portfolio!
This is THE megatrend of our times. My mission is to help you harness it in a way that gives you both ultimate profit potential and ultimate safety. And that's why I created my Ultimate Portfolio ...
It's the ONLY strategy I know of that could have multiplied your money more than 7 times over with a 613% gain since 2005.
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Make sure you get the facts while there's still time. Click this link for details on my Ultimate Portfolio and activate your membership right away!
Good luck and God bless!

Breaking news: New ISIS invasion imminent!
10/4/2014 10:33:35 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
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