An Open Letter and ultimatum addressed to Ukraine.

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An Open Letter and ultimatum addressed to Ukraine.

To:    Mr.Petro Poroshenko
    President of Ukraine
    No.11 Bankova Str
    Kiev, Ukraine.

To:    Mr.Arseniy Yatsenyuk
    Prime Minister of Ukraine
    Government Building Budynok Uryadu
    Hrushevsky Street
    Kiev, Ukraine


First of all, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Constantin Burlacu. I was born in Botosani, Romania, in1949 to a nationalist family with deep roots in Moldovan origin,and Geto-Dacian tribes, which were part of the Thracian Empire. To escape communist persecutions,I left my native country of Romania in 1980 and came to the United States of America as a political refugee. Now, I am an American and Romanian citizen, and Chairman of The League of National Defense, a nationalist and anti-communist organization, which fights for freedom, democracy and human rights.

As a Romanian freedom fighter, in exile, I continued to fight against the communist tyrant Nicolae Ceausescu and his communist dictatorship regime with courage and great patriotism until it was destroyed. Thanks to the Romanian patriots who fought and sacrificed their lives for Romania it is now a free country. However, Romania still faces a great deal of difficulty, especially from the former communists who seized power after 1990, acting under the name of freedom and democracy.  
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The truth is that all of Romania’s Government since 1990 until now, has been ruled mostly by the ethnic minority in Romania, who use false Romanian names to trick the Romania nation and to achieve their anti-Romanian goals. They don’t fight for a Romanian national cause, but for the interest of their own pockets. They are corrupt, hypocrites and subordinate to globalist dictatorship, which replaced the communist dictatorship. The main purpose of the Zionist-Globalism is to control world finances, destroy Romania and other country’s national economies, enslave my native country to FMI, EU and NATO, as the communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu enslaved Romania to the Jewish World Banks, and the Jewish capitalist monopoly. They don’t give a damn about the suffering of the Romanian people or the integrity of its national territory, which was illegally occupied by its neighboring countries. Forced by the globalism evil system, they signed a treaty with Ukraine, Bulgaria, Serbia and Hungary in disfavor of Romania, and the Romanian Nation. Nationalists and the Romanian Nation consider this treaty with our neighbors unjust and null.


Now, Ukraine is at war with Russia, and Russian separatists in Eastern Ukraine, because she claimed that Russia and Russian separatists occupied a large territory in Eastern Ukraine and annexed Crimea to Russian Federations. But didn’t Ukraine and her mediocre army do the same thing that Russia did when they illegally occupied Moldavian territories, which were part of Greater Romania? So Ukraine isn’t any better than Russia, on the contrary, they are the same kind of thieves and aggressors. The possibility that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine was well programmed in advance, by both sides, to implicate NATO and the U.S. to start WW III should not be excluded.

According to many historical documents and archaeological scientific studies, the territory of Ukraine has been inhabited for more than 44,000 years.  On this territory, during the Bronze Age(about 4500-3000BC), flourished the vast culture of the Cucuteni. Mr. Poroshenko and Mr. Yatsenyuk, do you know that the center of the Cucuteni Culture was located in Getae, where Moldova is today? During the Iron Age, Dacians had an important role in this territory. After the Thracian Empire lost some territory in the war during the Greek invasions in Europe, Dacia became an empire, and a huge territory of Ukraine became a part of the Dacian Empire, until the war between Dacia and the Roman Empire. During the period 250-375 AD Goths arrived in the land of Ukraine, who were cousins with Getae or Gets.

After the Dacians and Goths retreated from this territory, Ukrainian territories were occupied by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and afterwards by the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Byzantine Empire, Russian Empire, Ottoman Empire, Nazi Germany, and the Soviet Union Empire. The name Ukraine, which means “native-land”, was changed to Kyivan Rus, synonymous with the land of Rus' or Ruthenia, a Latin name for Rus. As a result of the Dacians presence in Ukrainian territories, a great number of the people are descendants of Geto-Dacians. But century after century, the Polish, Russian, and Ukrainians changed their names from Dacian or Moldovan names to Slavic ones, to lose their identity, the same way the Hungarians did in Transylvania. They were forced to change their Romanian names to Magyar names and this barbaric method is unjust and unacceptable. Today, with the height of technology developed by scientists, if DNA tests would be performed in Ukrainian territories, without a doubt, a large percentage of the population with Slavic names would be proved to have Dacian blood or a substantial quantity of Dacian-Moldovan blood. But in the case of native Hungarians, if a DNA test were given, it would be proven that 100% of them are not Europeans, but a huno-mongolo-khazars with origins from Altai, Asia. They should admit this truth already and face reality.

Helping the Soviet Union to extend her spheres of influence in Eastern Europe, Nazi Germany, signed a secret protocol with the Communist Evil Empire on August 23, 1939, in Moscow. In this secret agreement, named Ribbentrop-Molotov Treaty, Nazi Germany allowed the Soviet Union to occupy Moldovan territories between Prut and Dniester Rivers. So with the acknowledgement of Nazi Germany, on June 28,1940, the Soviet Union, issued an ultimatum to Romania requesting the cession of half of Moldova known as Bessarabia and northern Bukovina (18,621 sq. mile = 48, Between June 28 and July 4, 1940, the Soviet Union Red Army crossed the Dniester River and occupied and annexed Bessarabia, Northern Bukovina and the Hertza region of Romania. The Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact remained in vigor until Nazi Germany and Axis forces broke it and declared war against the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941. In the war against Communist Evil Empire, the Romanian Army, fighting shoulder to shoulder with the German Army recaptured these Romanian territories, between June 1941 and August 1944. But Stalin found other allies to support the Jewish-Bolshevik-Soviet Red Army invasion,which occupied Romania and half of Europe, for reestablishment of the Soviet rule in this territory. And these

supporters of the Communist Evil Empire were the United States and England, the countries who pretended to be a bastion of freedom and democracy in the world. It’s not the first time Russia disrespects the sovereignty and independence of Moldova and Romania. From 1811 to 1944, Russia has occupied half of Moldova 13 times, but with the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, they crossed the line.

Now, I am curious to find out who continued to support the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact or the Nazi-Soviet Pact signed in Moscow on August 23, 1939; these types of people must be insane. Is Ukraine a Nazi or a Bolshevik country if she keeps the Romanian territories took over by the Hitler-Stalin pact? I hear that some members of the European Union are against any modification of  European borders, established after WWII. But if they pretend that this is a noble idea, why would they allow the change of the border between West Germany and East Germany, and support the reunification of East and West Germany on Oct.3, 1990? And why would they allow the dismantling of Yugoslavia and changing of her border in 2001, or divide Czechoslovakia into two independent states, Czech Republic and Slovakia, changing her borders on January 1, 1993? So the European Union and the United States, allowed for a German reunification of her borders established prior to WWII, but do not allow for Moldova and Moldovan territories occupied illegally by Ukraine to reunite with its Romanian motherland, as her borders were prior to WWII?! This is a barbaric act of discrimination, a manifestation of bigotry, xenophobia and a racial hate crime against Romania and the Romanian Nation. This form of extremism and totalitarianism practiced by some members of the European Union and some officials from United States can’t be tolerated anymore. Also, the people who denied the Zionist-communist red holocaust against the Romanian Nation, peace and humanity must be punished exemplary.

Moldova is a country in Eastern Europe which stretches the length of the parallels 48, 39’ grade and the 45, 13’ grade north latitude and between 25 and 30, 28’ grade eastern longitude of the Greenwich Meridian. The countries surface is 36,409 sq. miles (94,301 which was established in 1359 by Bogdan I, the first Voivode of Moldova, who named the country Moldova. Before this it was known as Pelasgia, Hiperboreea (the territories on which the Danube and Don rivers flow), Thracia (the Thracian territories stretching from present-day Hungary to Ukraine and from the North Carpathians foothills to the Aegean Sea, and for a period of some two thousand years or more they occupied much of Southeast Europe), Geto-Dacian Empire (the territories on which the Dniester, the Tisza and Danube rivers flow). This country also is known as God country (Tara Zeilor), Mother of Europe, Country of Sun, a country blessed by Gods, by our God, Zamolxis.An account of criminal acts directed and committed by internal and external enemies of Moldova, the country is divided today into three parts: 1). East Moldova, between the Prut and Dniester rivers, which regained its independence as a Republic in 1991, 2). Northwest Moldova, between the Prut River and the Carpathiansis part of Romania, and 3).South Moldova, North Moldova, The District of Hertza and Snake Island in the Black Sea, which are all illegally annexed by Ukraine, in accordance with the Nazi-Soviet Pact signed in 1939. The Moldovan people suffered enormous persecutions during the USSR occupation, and hundreds of thousands of Moldovan people were deported to Urals, Siberia or Kazakhstan, or killed by the soviet security forces which turned into agents of oppression and assassins. And we, the Moldovan-Romanian nationalists will fight to death to liberate our holy territories, and make again a Greater Moldova, Greater Romania, and Greater Dacia.

When the Soviet Union collapsed, Ukraine officially declared itself an independent state on August 24, 1991, but when Ukraine became an independent state, it illegally annexed South Moldova (3,443 sq. miles = 8,917; North Moldova (2,035 sq. miles = 5,271; the

District of Hertza, in North Moldova (131 sq. miles =340 and Snake Island in the Black Sea (with a surface area of 17 hectares (662 meters maximum length, 440 meters width, and a circumference of 4 km). Snake Island was given as a gift to the USSR after WWII by the Zionist-communist Ana Pauker and the former Romanian King Mihai I, a communist and Zionist sympathizer. East Moldova, between the Prut and Dniester Rivers (13,012 sq. miles= 33,700 sq. km) has managed to retain its original name and regained its independence as a Republic of Moldova in 1991. Northwest Moldova, between Prut River and the Carpathian Mountains (17,780 sq. miles = 46,071 became part of Romania after January 24, 1858 as an act of unification. The controversial territory of Transnistria or Republic of Transnistria (565 sq. miles = 1,463 sq. km) legally is not a part of Moldova or Romania, even if 50 % of their population speaks a Moldovan-Romanian language. Also Crimea historically belongs to the Tatars, not to Russia or Ukraine, who illegally occupied and annexed Crimea to their countries.

Now, I’ll get right to the point. I give you an ultimatum, Mr.Petro Poroshenko, President of Ukraine and to you Mr.Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Prime Minister of Ukraine to withdraw as soon as possible all of the Ukrainian army, police, and administrative personal, from the territories of North Moldova (Bukovina), District of Herta, South Moldova (Bessarabia) and Snake Island in the Black Sea. These territories belong to Moldova and Greater Romania, they belong to our Dacia, the original name of my native country. In case you refuse to solve this territory dispute peacefully, democratically and diplomatically, there is no other alternative, but to mobilize our Romanian nationalist patriots, and take guns in our hands to fight against the Ukrainian occupation, extremism and aggression. I am an Iron Wolf from the Carpathian Mountains, descendent from Dacians, who don’t bend a knee in front of anyone, and I will fight for every meter of my ancestral holy land.

Recently, I found out that you Mr.Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Prime Minister of Ukraine, were born in 1974 in the city of Cernauti to a family of ethnic Ukrainians, with partially Romanian ancestry, and perhaps Jewish. Your grandparents were citizens of Greater Romania, and your father was a history professor at the Faculty of History at Cernauti National University built by the Romania state. So how dare you pretend to not know that historically Cernauti is a Romanian city belonging to Romania, not to the Ukraine? Soon enough, the Romanian flag will wave in the center of Cernauti to remind you that this city belongs to us, to Romania, not to Ukraine.

Regarding you Mr.Petro Poroshenko, President of Ukraine, I found out that you were born in 1965, in Bolgrad a city in South Moldova, perhaps from an ethnic Bulgarian or Gagauz family. This Romanian city was incorporated illegally by Ukraine in the Odessa region. You spent your childhood and younger part of life in another Romanian city at Bender, so how come you pretend not to know that these cities and territories belong to Romania, not to the Ukraine? I will remind you of all this soon when we place a big Romanian flag on top of the Cetatea Alba fortress in Bugeac.

You might think that if I blame the Jews for most of the dangerous and bad things that happened in the world, I am an anti-Semite, but I am not. So to be clear, I am not against the Palestinian and Arab people, who are the real Semitic people, with a population greater than 300,000,000.  I am against Jews and Zionism, not for racial motives, but because they created communism and brought the communist tyranny to my native country Romania, as well as Russia, Eastern Europe, China, North Korea, Cuba and other countries. After the communist evil empire was dissolved, they invented globalism, to control and dominate the world’s economy and the lives of humanity. Jews claim that they are Semitic people, but the majority of them are not descendants

of ancient Judea or Israel, but are descendants of Khazarians, a semi-nomadic Turkic people who converted to Judaism and adopted the Jewish heritage. This can be proven by DNA blood samples. The most anti-Semitic  on Earth are Israel and Jews, and the proof is when they erased Palestine from the map of the world.They committed racial hate crimes, genocides and a holocaust against the Palestinians and other Arab Semitic people;everyone knows and can see this, with the exception of the idiots and imbecile slaves in the Christian communities.

In conclusion, I am warning you gentlemen, to allow all Romanian territories annexed illegally by the Soviet Union in 1944, and then by Ukraine in 1991 to reunite with its motherland, Romania, as soon as possible, without use of force or firing a single bullet. But if you are Ukrainian thieves and decide not to give back what you stole from us, it will be a huge tragic mistake which will have most serious consequences for Ukraine. A conflict between Ukraine and the Romanian nationalist forces for these territory disputes is imminent. We must liberate our territories and need to quickly restore law and order there. I hope you will avoid a bloody confrontation with us, and not undermine our goals, our efforts to correct the mistake and injustice made by Nazi-communists during WW II against Romania and the Romanian Nation. The Ukrainian independence is very young and fragile. Your country has an artificial language, and I don’t think it will survive long when the majority of the population speaks Russian. I understand your concerns about Ukraine, but Ukraine serves as a buffer state of enormous strategic importance to Russia. I hope the Ukrainian people are not so naive as to believe that the United States and NATO will put their lives in danger to help Ukraine against Russia, Russian separatists or Romanian nationalists.

The United States and the European Union countries have enough problems of their own with wars in many countries of the world, economic cries, depression, unemployment, inflation, homeland security, illegal immigrants, and trillions of dollars in deficit. Not to mention supporting Israel and Jews against Palestine and Arab nations, giving Israel billions of dollars, arms and ammunition to kill, kill, kill Palestine’s innocent people and to continue  occupying Palestinian territories forever.And I don’t think they are so stupid to look for any more problems. However, America is not the same anymore, as it was during Reagan’s era. Those good time are gone, and the Jewish Trotskyism  who changed their names to neo-conservative  ones control everything in America; the White House, Pentagon, Congress, administrative, financial, educational and judiciary systems, news media, and they try to abolish the American Constitution so they can install a Zionist dictatorship here, as they did in Russia in 1917. Because of them, America is now heading in the wrong direction.

I know that you asked for help, but the U.S. involvement has not yet fully come to light. Giving you Mr. Poroshenko only $50 million in U.S. assistance during your visit to Washington and $182 million in aid from Canada as a five-year loan, which means nothing to you and you may consider this a spit in the face. Giving you a green light on war,will only damage the U.S.’s credibility around the world. The NATO enlargement and EU expansion on Russia’s doorstep is not only unacceptable to Russia, but is not democratic and creates fears and instability through out Europe and will provoke a major crisis in Ukraine. Russian leaders view NATO and U.S. plans as hostile to their country’s interests, so you should understand the logic behind this. Also keep in mind that the support that they promised to Ukraine, providing advice, arms and financial support are very minor, and the sanctions don’t hurt Russia’s economy much, because it is a hoax. Such measures will have little effect against Russia’s economy. And don’t believe for a minute that the United States and NATO are prepared to use force to defend Ukraine. Your country is our Romanian neighbor, and to have a prosperous and stabile Ukraine, take my words into consideration and my advice that the United States and other European Union countries make good

business deals with Russia, and they are not so naive to start a nuclear war with Russia, because Ukraine fell apart. Think about this information very seriously, and don’t have false hopes or make a mistake. I wish you will try to resolve this crisis and not escalate it.Make it a good day for the history books and not a bad one and I believe everything will turn out for the better.

Blood and Honor!

Dr.Constantin Burlacu,
President of the League of National Defense
P.O.Box 292
Brooklyn,NY 11237
Tel/Fax: (718) 381-3804

New York City, October 6, 2014
-President of Romania
-President of the United States
-President of European Union
-President of Russian Federations
-Members of US Congress

Kievan Rus’ including the territory of current day Ukraine:
Last 20 years of the state (1220-1240).

The Galician–Volhynian Kingdom in the 13th–14th centuries

Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. Kingdom of Poland

Map of Ukraine in 2013

Moldova and the modern boundaries

Moldavia through the ages.

Administrative map of Romania in 1930

Kingdom of Romania 1939, physical

A map of Greater Romania in 1940

Map of Romania after World War II indicating lost territories.
Snakes Island from Black Sea

Transnistria region

Petro Poroshenko

Arseniy Yatsenyuk

Barack Obama

Vladimir Putin

Ban Ki-moon

Herman Van Rompuy

Traian Basescu

Constantin Burlacu


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