Rand Paul: Obama 'Flouting the Law' by Continuing Aid to Egypt

Thursday, 22 Aug 2013 06:54 PM
By Bill Hoffmann
 President Barack Obama is "directly flouting the law" by not immediately cutting off financial aid to Egypt following the ouster of President Mohammed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood, Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky says.

Paul pointed to the federal law that says the United States will not give money to countries operating under a coup — a designation the Obama administration has not given.
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"There never should have been any debate. The law's explicit. If you have a military coup or a military takeover, the aid has to end unless you want a president who disobeys the law," Paul told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.

"This president is directly flouting the law and he's in direct disobeyance of the law. So, no, there's no question. The aid has to end."

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Paul, who is considering a run for president in 2016, said following the law of the land is not up for debate.

"You can debate whether aid's a good idea and it's a bad idea, but the law you don't get to debate. You have to change the law if you don't like the law," he said.

"All of these Republicans who stand up and beat their chest and say, 'Oh, we're the party that's the rule of law and we criticize the Muslim Brotherhood for not obeying the rule of law.'

"Well, it's a valid criticism only if you obey the rule of law. … Our law says when an elected government is toppled, there's no wiggle room. You have to end the aid."

Rand likened the coup debate to a fight among youngsters.

"It's more like third-grade playground. … People say, 'Well, yeah, it's a coup, but you can't make me say it's a coup.' So it's a bunch of third-graders on the playground saying you can't make me," he said.

See other excerpts of the Steve Malzberg interview with Rand Paul:


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