Time to Convergence on October 7: 15 Days Kondratieff wave: Europe in crisis!

Dear Constantin,
Even I am often amazed at how accurate my cycles research proves to be.
Imagine: You could have looked at a chart illustrating the Kondratieff Wave ... or the Juglar Wave ... or the Kitchin Cycle ... or the Kuznets cycle ... or the 20- and 60-year economic growth cycles and others.
And whether you had done it ten years ago ... fifty years ago ... even 100 years ago, you could have known that today — on Tuesday, September 22, 2015 — the European economy would be in crisis
Europe in Crisis
Sure enough: Standard & Poor's recently downgraded its outlook for the EU to negative, indicating that it may soon cut the region's credit rating.
The reason for S&P's concerns: Debt.
More specifically, despite the fact that nearly 22 of the 28 member states are sinking deeper in debt by the day, the European Central Bank (ECB) continues to print money and the loan it to these deeply indebted states.
In the insane, upside down thinking of the ECB, the solution for “too much debt” seems to be “more debt.”
Another concern: The UK is holding a national referendum on whether or not it should leave the EU. Losing one of its economic powerhouses could be the death knell of the union.
The Union's dearth of economic growth gives investors even more reason to worry. Despite massive stimulus programs, GDP growth was pallid throughout the region. France posted zero growth in the most recent quarter. Latvia remains in a four-year contraction. Overall, the EU grew by only 1.3% in the second quarter.
Unemployment remains a sky-high 11% throughout the region — more than double the official rate in the United States
Private non-financial companies are hoarding cash; refusing to spend or invest. According to Moody's, more than $1.1 trillion euros has piled up at these firms. That's a 40% increase from 2008.
Through all of this, loan demand is virtually non-existent, making it impossible for the ECB to raise interest rates.
This is precisely why Weiss Research's special research report found that supercycle investments are posting massive profits today:
Profits of up to 1,276% in 37 days as the euro currency plunges ...
And profits of up to 757% in 7 days on plunging European stocks ...
Only 15 days until “Convergence Day”
And now, with these cycles all converging for the first time since 1929 ... and Convergence Day — October 7 — just 15 days away ... time is growing short.
And this is also why I created Supercycle Trader: To help you harness the most powerful economic wave any of us will ever see in our lifetimes: The supercycle of 2015-2020.
You owe it to yourself to get the facts: Click this link to read my report and to discover how you can not only survive, but USE this crisis to go for windfall profits.
But please hurry: All enrollment must close on October 7 — just 15 days from today. Click this link ... get the facts ... and join me in Supercycle Trader while there's still time.
Yours for supercycle survival and profits,
Larry Edelson
Larry Edelson
Senior Analyst, Weiss Research,
Editor, Supercycle Trader


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