Why are federal agencies arming themselves?

By Chad Groening, OneNewsNow.com May 21, 2014 6:55 am
A Second Amendment advocate has a theory about why the U.S. Department of Agriculture is buying body armor and submachine guns.
Mike Hammond, legislative council to Gun Owners of America, says it follows a pattern of other federal agencies that seem to be preparing for war – against us.
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"We suspect that the federal government is anticipating and preparing for confrontation with American citizens," he says, wondering aloud if President Obama is preparing for a dictatorship.
"What are the characteristics of a dictatorship?" Hammond asks rhetorically. "An individual who is bound not by the law, but by his own desires and his own goals. And that may be where we are now."
In an online story with more than 6,000 comments, Breitbart.com reported that the USDA put in a solicitation for lightweight submachine guns on May 7.
The Washington Times reported the federal agency is also requesting body armor.
The official request can be viewed here.
In a 2013 story about the "stockpile myth," Breitbart.com sought to downplay concerns – if not hysteria – over ammunition purchases by the federal government.
A second 2013 story at Forbes.com quoted a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security, who told Congress the agency is not stockpiling ammunition and buys in bulk to save money.
The ammunition purchases were the topic of a congressional hearing, Forbes reported last year.
Still, Hammond wonders if the USDA closely watched the Cliven Bundy confrontation, when armed American citizens faced off against Bureau of Land Management agents in Nevada in past weeks.
He says it doesn't make sense for the financially strapped U.S. Postal Service and the Social Security Administration to buy hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammunition.
The Washington Times story noted the purchases of small-arms ammunition by both agencies. The newspaper also noted the Department of Homeland Security had requested 450 million rounds of ammunition, and the FBI had requested 100 million rounds.
While various government agencies are stocking up on ammo, Hammond claims the Obama administration is making it increasingly difficult for American citizens to obtain ammunition. GOA discussed the ammo shortage on its website.
Subject: Why are federal agencies arming themselves?
Date: 5/21/2014 9:59:33 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: eagle@gopusamedia.com
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