45 lawmakers suing Obama

When I sued President Obama and his Administration over ObamaCare in January, I made sure you and other supporters of the Republican National Committee were among the first to know.
I believe President Obama has abused his power and exceeded his legal authority by arranging for his liberal allies in Congress to receive ObamaCare benefits that were intentionally excluded from the law.
Liberal Democrats advocated for ObamaCare — and now they don’t want to have to live under the same law they forced onto other Americans.
I asked you to sign our petition in support of my lawsuit. It was overwhelming when nearly 80,000 Americans responded and added their names to stop Obama’s hypocrisy.
But I am missing one important name: yours.
Constantin, since I filed the lawsuit, 45 lawmakers have joined me in my fight against the Obama Administration.
But we need to keep the momentum going — and I am counting on your support.
The Obama Administration’s antics cannot continue. If we stand together, they will be stopped.
We need you in the fight to rein in this Imperial President and stop him from giving his liberal allies unfair special treatments under ObamaCare.
Thank you,
Ron Johnson
U.S. Senator from Wisconsin


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