Rand Paul: Will You Stand with Me
3/8/2013 9:27:28 A.M. Eastern Standard Time

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Dear Patriot,

My 13-hour filibuster yesterday is being called one of the longest in U.S. history.

I had been trying for more than a week to get a straight answer on whether or not the Obama administration believed it had the authority to use drones to target and kill American citizens on American soil – without due process.

And after receiving a letter from Attorney General Eric Holder claiming they DO have that authority, I could no longer sit silently at my desk in the U.S. Senate.

So I stood for thirteen-straight hours to send a message to the Obama administration, I will do everything in my power to fight their attempts to ignore the Constitution!

Millions of Americans chose to stand with me and put President Obama, Attorney General Holder, and Congress in the spotlight...

And the good news is, it worked!

Just hours ago, I received a letter from Attorney General Holder declaring the President DOES NOT have the authority to use drones to kill Americans on U.S. soil.

Patriot, this shows what we can do when stand together and fight.

So won't you help me continue the fight to protect our Constitutional liberties today?

As you'll see, I've crafted a special Defend the Constitution petition I'm hoping you'll agree to sign today.

In addition, I'm asking you to contribute as generously as you can to the "Stand With Rand" Money Bomb going on right now.

You see, this battle is far from over.

Today, our country is mired in $16.6 TRILLION in national debt. Unemployment is sky high. Assaults on our liberties from Congress are commonplace.

As the support I received during my filibuster yesterday showed, I'm hardly alone in Congress fighting back against this madness.

Yet instead of joining me in the fight to save our fragile republic, some even in my own party are resorting to attacking me!

They're defending the President and saying my question on whether or not the Obama administration believes it can kill Americans on American soil without due process "doesn't deserve an answer!"

Patriot, why don't the Washington, D.C. career politicians see the damage they're doing to our country?

Why are they quick to accept a dinner with Obama – and quick to strike a smoky backroom "deal" to grow government – but slow to listen to the millions of Americans all over the country who want their representatives in Washington, D.C. to fight for the limited government, constitutional principles you and I care so deeply about?

Is this the future you and I want for our Republican party or our country?

If you're anything like me, the answer to that question is a wholehearted "NO!"

Yesterday, hundreds of thousands of Americans from all over the country chose to stand with me.

Today, I'm asking you to stand with me, as well.

Won't you please agree to a generous contribution of $250, $100, $50, $35 – or even $20 or $10 in support of the "Stand With Rand" Money Bomb?

As I mentioned, I sent a loud and clear message to the yesterday that I'm willing to do whatever it takes to stand up for our Constitution.

Today is your chance to make that message even louder.

You can show the politicians in Washington, D.C. you're every bit as serious as I am about restoring constitutional principles in America.

So please sign your Defend the Constitution Petition IMMEDIATELY.

And please, if you possibly can, agree to your most generous contribution, as well.

In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul

P.S. Yesterday, I stood for thirteen-straight hours to send a message to the Obama administration, I will do everything in my power to fight their attempts to ignore the Constitution!

Patriot, now it's your chance to help me send that message.

I've crafted a special Defend the Constitution petition I'm hoping you'll agree to sign today.

In addition, I'm asking you to contribute as generously as you can to the "Stand With Rand" Money Bomb going on right now.

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