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Why I jumped on a plane to China ...

Dear Constantin,
Usually I keep in touch with my readers through email and my newsletter.
But not this time.
This time the message I want to share with you is just too big and too important.
Important enough for me to book a flight to China, arrange for a video crew, and actually show you what I consider to be the most important investment opportunity of our generation.
To give you an idea of just how big and important this is, let me put it in perspective by comparing the wealth of two great American entrepreneurs.
Bill Gates is the richest man in the world right now. He's worth over $80 billion. He made his fortune by dominating the software side of the personal computer. He got in early, fast and hard.
In other words, he leveraged the massive changes that came with the growth of the personal computer industry. And he's still making billions and adding to his fortune every year.
But his fortune is paltry when compared to the wealth amassed by John D. Rockefeller in the mid to late 1800's. If you adjust his fortune to today's dollar value, he was worth $253 billion.
He was over three times richer than Bill Gates!
Like Bill Gates, he leveraged a transformative event in the lives of Americans.
He leveraged the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad, connecting America's east and west coasts.
Put simply, the completion of a massive railroad system trumps every other means to amass a huge fortune.
That's why I'm in China right now.
If you can't quite make the connection between a railroad system, amassing great wealth and my trip to China ... don't worry.
And if you think this is just about the railroad itself, think again. It's about how the railroad kickstarts massive investment and wealth along its entire length.
Watch the first in a series of videos I'm shooting while I'm here, and you'll understand EXACTLY what I mean.
Watch the first video here.
Watch it now and you'll see what drove me to travel thousands of miles to bring this opportunity to you first hand.
Yours from western China,
Larry Edelson
P.S. Have you ever heard of Chongqing? That's where I am right now. Watch my video and find out why...


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