
Showing posts from June, 2015

Constantin: deep trouble

Constantin: Whose "turn" is it? I'm afraid that's the only thing many in our national media care about when covering the race for the Republican nomination for President of the United States. Nevermind the American people are fed up with the Big Government status quo under BOTH parties. Nevermind the polls show me besting Hillary Clinton in key swing states like Colorado, Iowa, New Hampshire, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. But with the FEC's June 30th End of Quarter Fundraising Deadline, this is your chance to tell all the so-called "experts" that the American people will pick the next Republican nominee for President -- NOT the media.

"Lectia de istorie" de Radu Pietreanu

First Mary Jo Kopechne, Then America

Dear Fellow Conservative, Sen. Ted Kennedy’s 1965 immigration act allowed the Democrats to start winning elections the same way they win recounts: by enlarging the pool of voters. Liberals couldn’t convince Americans to agree with them, but they happened to notice that the people of most other countries in the world already agreed with them. So Sen. Ted Kennedy’s immigration act brought in millions of poverty-stricken foreigners to live off the American taxpayer and bloc-vote for the Democrats. The American people aren’t changing their minds. Americans are becoming a minority to other, new people. Deft politicians used to know how to convince the 15 percent on the fence. But even Reagan would look at today’s electorate and say: Who are you guys? We live in a different country, and I don’t remember moving.; Click Here to Read Full Article » Sincerely, Ann Coulter

Progress update:

I'm determined not to waste a second in delivering our manifesto commitments. So since the election, we have: Brought forward plans to help families who want to work hard and get on by giving 30 hours' free childcare to working parents of three- and four-year-olds Announced new plans to turn all failing schools into Academies and to make sure all children study key academic subjects, so they get the skills they need Carried on backing businesses so they can keep creating jobs - with 2 million more people in work since 2010 Announced important measures to cut down on waste in the NHS , so that every penny goes on getting patients the best possible treatments Continued to help people secure a home of their own, with over 100,000 families now helped onto the housing ladder...




     Visit My Website | Update My Profile     June 19, 2015 Connect with Jeanne  Dear Friend, You heard that right! There’s going to be a woman on the $10 dollar bill. This week, The U.S. Treasury Department announced that it will be adding the portrait of a woman to the $10 dollar bill as part of that bill’s scheduled redesign. The announcement follows a tremendous grassroots movement to add a woman to the $20 dollar bill and the i...

Guess who I found in Chongqing ...

Dear Constantin, This has been quite the trip. We nearly got arrested today! It seems the authorities don't much like westerners wandering around with a full video crew in tow. Anyway, it has been worth it. And I'll tell you one thing ... I will absolutely be putting a good chunk of my own money in some of the companies I have unearthed here over the last few days. Those investments are all in Chinese firms with names you will never have heard of ... yet. But in today's video — the third and final one in the series — we'll meet someone who works for a company with a much more familiar name, right here in Chongqing. Hopefully you will find that reassuring. I did. It's great to be ahead of the crowd when you discover an incredible new investment opportunity. But it's reassuring to know that some big names in the business world are reading the tea leaves in the same way, and have already staked their claim. BTW ... if you have y...

My rollercoaster visit to Chongqing, China ...

Dear Constantin, OK, if you saw my email yesterday, hopefully you have already watched my third video ... and have acted on it. If you didn't see it, please watch it now . I was excited when I got here. But I'm even more excited now. It makes a big difference to actually put your feet on the ground and explore an investment opportunity like this first hand. Incredibly, most people in the financial business never even leave their desks! That's probably why the new Silk Road is still a "hidden" opportunity. Nobody else has bothered to come out here and discover what's really happening. For myself, this trip has been a game-changer. I have already made some significant changes to my own portfolio. And once I get home I'll be sharing my thoughts and recommendations with my readers. But first, I would love for you to watch the third and final video . This is where you discover what to do, and how to do it. This is w...

Tea Party Patriots: End Exemption and Legislative Update

Dear Constantin, Be sure to join with local Tea Party Patriots at noon on Wednesday, June 17th at one of your Senators’ or Representative’s local offices to demand that they abide by the laws that they force on the rest of us.  Are you on the fence about whether or not to show up on Wednesday? Do you want more details about what needs to be done or what kind of responses you might expect from the Congressional staff? J oin us today at 3pm. Get your questions answered and learn why this is so important! In Obamacare, it clearly states that Members of Congress and their staffs must abide by the law. However, they are ignoring the law in order to avoid its harmful effects which allows them to continue receiving their generous tax-payer funded subsidy, w...

Author Meltzer: Reagan Carried Gun While President

By Greg Richter   |     Monday, 15 Jun 2015 08:33 PM   President Ronald Reagan carried a handgun with him at all times during his years in office, author Brad Meltzer writes in   the New York Daily News.   Meltzer says he was doing research for his latest thriller   "The President's Shadow,"   and wanted to talk to Secret Service agents about how the president lives.  

Vă scriu la toţi nu prea târziu..

Cuvântul adevărat este cel mai mare Adevăr şi Jurământ                                        Iacob C. Istrati       Din voia Domnului, cu permisiunea familiei Vieru, dintr-o ini ţ iativă frumoasă, de a inaugura un cenaclu la Toronto,   cu sprijinul şi binecuvântarea lui Ovidiu Creangă, membru al Uniunii Scriitorilor din Moldova, care a sugerat ideea, ca cenaclul să poarte numele poetului GrigoreVieru, cu dragostea a 21 de inimi, pline de respect faţă de valori, la     29.11.2009, în oraşul Toronto, Provincia Ontario, Canada a fost inaugurat Cenaclul “GrigoreVieru”. Şedinţa de inaugurare a avut o agendă complexă, care a accentuat, pe etape, prin versurile atât de semnificative (Formular, Legământ, Cămăşile, Pentru ea, Răsai, Mi-e dor de tine, mamă, ...

New Obama War! What to do

by Weiss Research founder Martin D. Weiss Dear Constantin, Yesterday, President Obama announced he's going to crawl back into the Iraq war with another 450 U.S. troops on the ground. You'd think this might be the subject of heated debate. But the fact is everyone — including the president himself — admits it's an incomplete strategy, a token gesture, and, in effect, an exercise in futility. Nor do you have to be a master military strategist to understand why. Just go back to recent history ... 

China-Linked Hack of Federal Agency Exposed Up To 14 Million, Including Veterans

Friday, 12 Jun 2015 12:27 PM   s many as 14 million current and former civilian U.S. government employees had their personal information exposed to hackers, according to two people who were briefed on the investigation, a far higher figure than the 4 million the Obama administration initially disclosed. The newer estimates put the number of compromised records at between 9 million and 14 million going back to the 1980s, said one congressional official and one former U.S. official, who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because information disclosed in the confidential briefings includes classified details of the investigation. There are about 4.2 million federal employees, so the majority of the records exposed relate to former employees. Contractor information also has been stolen, officials said. The latest revelation came a day after a major union said the cyber theft is more damaging than it first appeared, asserting that hackers ...

I almost get on the train in Chongqing

Dear Constantin, Did you watch the first of the videos I have been shooting here in Chongqing, China? If not, please watch it now , before reading any further. In that first video I explained how the creation of a transcontinental railroad system delivers the opportunity for investors to make massive profits. In truth, it's not just about the railway. It's about any enduring transportation system that connects major economies and allows for significant economic development along the entire length of the route. Have you heard of the old Silk Road? It ran from China to Europe and endured for over 1,000 years. It stimulated massive economic growth in both China and Europe. And today the NEW Silk Road is opening up, also connecting China with Europe. But this time, instead of using camel trains, the Silk Road will be running modern trains. The Chinese understand that this is a very big deal indeed. That's why they are investing ove...

Fwd: Tonight's Tele-Townhall Rescheduled

From: Reply-to: To: Sent: 6/10/2015 5:44:33 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time Subj: Tonight's Tele-Townhall Rescheduled   If you are having trouble viewing this message or would like to share it on a social network, you can view the message online . ...

Fwd: Can you talk tomorrow night about June 17th?

From: To: Sent: 6/10/2015 5:09:20 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time Subj: Can you talk tomorrow night about June 17th?   Dear Constantin, Do you have time to talk tomorrow night at 8pm EDT? We'd like you to join us on a special planning call where we will discuss all of the details of the June 17th End Obamacare Exemption rallies across the country. 

Opportunities from China ...

Dear Constantin, Did you get my email yesterday? If so, you would have picked up a few clues as to why I jumped on a plane and am now on the streets of Chongqing in Western China. I felt I had to come here in person. I felt compelled to give you a first-hand look at what I consider to be the greatest investment opportunity of our lifetime. What have I found here? What kind of opportunity would drive me from my home into the streets of a city most westerners have never even heard of? In a nutshell — "It's the railway". To find out what I mean by that, watch the first in the series of videos my video crew and I are shooting right here in China. Watch it now , before this opportunity passes you by. From the heart of China, Larry Edelson P.S. Guess what the biggest challenge was when shooting this video? Dodging Chinese security guards and police at strategic locations in the city!  Watch the video now ...

Why I jumped on a plane to China ...

Dear Constantin, Usually I keep in touch with my readers through email and my newsletter. But not this time. This time the message I want to share with you is just too big and too important. Important enough for me to book a flight to China, arrange for a video crew, and actually show you what I consider to be the most important investment opportunity of our generation. To give you an idea of just how big and important this is, let me put it in perspective by comparing the wealth of two great American entrepreneurs. Bill Gates is the richest man in the world right now. He's worth over $80 billion. He made his fortune by dominating the software side of the personal computer. He got in early, fast and hard. In other words, he leveraged the massive changes that came with the growth of the personal computer industry. And he's still making billions and adding to his fortune every year. But his fortune is paltry when compared to the wealth amassed ...