Guess who I found in Chongqing ...

Dear Constantin,
Larry Edelson
This has been quite the trip. We nearly got arrested today! It seems the authorities don't much like westerners wandering around with a full video crew in tow.
Anyway, it has been worth it. And I'll tell you one thing ...
I will absolutely be putting a good chunk of my own money in some of the companies I have unearthed here over the last few days.
Those investments are all in Chinese firms with names you will never have heard of ... yet.
But in today's video — the third and final one in the series — we'll meet someone who works for a company with a much more familiar name, right here in Chongqing.
Hopefully you will find that reassuring. I did. It's great to be ahead of the crowd when you discover an incredible new investment opportunity. But it's reassuring to know that some big names in the business world are reading the tea leaves in the same way, and have already staked their claim.
BTW ... if you have yet to see the first two videos in the series, watch them now, in order. Video #1. Video #2.
Put simply, this is your chance to get out of those investments that deliver maybe a 5% return each year, and get to invest for much, much higher returns.
It doesn't matter about your age, or whether you are a hard-core investor or just like to dabble, the kinds of returns you can get from the new Silk Road will change everything.
This is the opportunity to totally transform your future.
It's the kind of opportunity that comes along once in a generation.
And I'm right here, at the heart of it.
We have a lot to cover in this last video, including my assessment of a company that has given its investors returns of over 217% in the last year alone!
If you're becoming discouraged by the performance of your own portfolio, you'll absolutely want to watch this third video.
All the best from Western China,
Larry Edelson
Larry Edelson
P.S. Showing you the amazing opportunity in Chongqing, and beyond, is one thing. Showing you HOW to profit from the incredible level of growth here is quite another. And that's what lies at the heart of this final video. I'll show you HOW to tap into what's happening here, with the promise of step-by-step instructions on how to build your own Silk Road portfolio. Watch the video now.

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