Heads up
I've heard the whispers around the Capitol.
The political establishment is waiting until summer to ram immigration reform that refuses to secure our borders through Congress.
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Their plan is to catch you off guard during the "political off-season."
Constantin, I need your immediate help to prove to the Obama administration and the rest of the big government politicians that conservatives are watching them like a hawk demanding the federal government perform its duty to secure our borders.
And your action can make the difference.
You see, when Obama and his allies tried to ram through a bad immigration deal last spring, you swamped Congress with phone calls and petitions and beat back their attempt to ram immigration reform that didn't secure our borders through the House.
So it’s absolutely critical you sign your Emergency "No Immigration Reform without Border Security" Fax Petition to your representatives IMMEDIATELY!
Constantin, as I've said from day one, any immigration reform MUST start with border security FIRST.
Virtually every American understands that ours is a country of immigrants who came here because America has long been known as the "land of opportunity."
And like most Americans, I want our traditions of hope and economic freedom for all to continue.
But in a day and age where terrorism is a constant threat, can you and I really afford to leave our borders wide open?
Of course not.
The American people simply want to be able to trust that our borders are finally protected – and ensure that Congress verifies the job gets done.
Sadly, that’s not the only concern I have.
You see, even with all the recent news about our federal government spying and snooping on American citizens, I’ve barely heard a peep about this in the national media.
But if you haven’t heard, a brand new National ID scheme is also being considered. Immigration Reform is the vehicle.
Under the National ID scheme, the Department of Homeland Security would create a massive new photo database to include names, ages, and social security numbers of every single American.
The database would be tied to a biometric National ID card to include photos – and perhaps even things like fingerprints and retinal scans.
Before hiring, employers would be required to check the names against the federal database.
And if you don't get one, you'd be barred from working legally.
But how long before you'd be required to show your National ID card to rent a house, open a bank account or even buy groceries?
How long before you'd be required to be checked against the Department of Homeland Security's National Database before you could buy a firearm?
You and I have already seen President Obama's IRS vastly abuse their power over American citizens.
The NSA scandal sends shivers down many Americans' spines.
And we're supposed to believe this power won't be abused?
With this new database, our federal government could not only create an easy national gun registry – but a registry of everything else about our lives.
That’s why your action today is so critical.
As I mentioned, immigration reform must FIRST secure our borders.
But Obama and his allies are hatching a plot to ram immigration reform through Congress that fails to secure our borders and creates a new National ID card.
And only your action can halt this bad deal.
So please sign your Emergency Fax Petition to your representatives IMMEDIATELY.
As you’ll see, your Emergency Fax Petition urges them to oppose ANY immigration reform that doesn't secure our borders FIRST.
I can tell you many members of Congress know they’re dealing with a political hot potato in this Immigration Reform Bill.
So flooding Congress with Emergency Fax Petitions will make an enormous difference.
And if you can, please agree to chip in a contribution of $10 or $20 will help me reach and mobilize even more freedom-loving Americans during this critical time.
Constantin, you and I both know just how important this issue is.
It’s absolutely critical that I’m able to mobilize American citizens IMMEDIATELY.
But without your help – and your generosity today – I’m afraid I just may not have the resources to make that happen.
So please sign your Emergency Fax Petition and agree to chip in a contribution of $10 or $20 – TODAY!
In liberty,
Senator Rand Paul
P.S. President Obama and his allies are scheming to ram immigration reform that fails to secure our borders and creates a new National ID card through Congress.
Many members of Congress know they’re dealing with a political hot potato in this Immigration Reform Bill, so your action can make a tremendous difference.
I've heard the whispers around the Capitol.
The political establishment is waiting until summer to ram immigration reform that refuses to secure our borders through Congress.
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Their plan is to catch you off guard during the "political off-season."
Constantin, I need your immediate help to prove to the Obama administration and the rest of the big government politicians that conservatives are watching them like a hawk demanding the federal government perform its duty to secure our borders.
And your action can make the difference.
You see, when Obama and his allies tried to ram through a bad immigration deal last spring, you swamped Congress with phone calls and petitions and beat back their attempt to ram immigration reform that didn't secure our borders through the House.
So it’s absolutely critical you sign your Emergency "No Immigration Reform without Border Security" Fax Petition to your representatives IMMEDIATELY!
Constantin, as I've said from day one, any immigration reform MUST start with border security FIRST.
Virtually every American understands that ours is a country of immigrants who came here because America has long been known as the "land of opportunity."
And like most Americans, I want our traditions of hope and economic freedom for all to continue.
But in a day and age where terrorism is a constant threat, can you and I really afford to leave our borders wide open?
Of course not.
The American people simply want to be able to trust that our borders are finally protected – and ensure that Congress verifies the job gets done.
Sadly, that’s not the only concern I have.
You see, even with all the recent news about our federal government spying and snooping on American citizens, I’ve barely heard a peep about this in the national media.
But if you haven’t heard, a brand new National ID scheme is also being considered. Immigration Reform is the vehicle.
Under the National ID scheme, the Department of Homeland Security would create a massive new photo database to include names, ages, and social security numbers of every single American.
The database would be tied to a biometric National ID card to include photos – and perhaps even things like fingerprints and retinal scans.
Before hiring, employers would be required to check the names against the federal database.
And if you don't get one, you'd be barred from working legally.
But how long before you'd be required to show your National ID card to rent a house, open a bank account or even buy groceries?
How long before you'd be required to be checked against the Department of Homeland Security's National Database before you could buy a firearm?
You and I have already seen President Obama's IRS vastly abuse their power over American citizens.
The NSA scandal sends shivers down many Americans' spines.
And we're supposed to believe this power won't be abused?
With this new database, our federal government could not only create an easy national gun registry – but a registry of everything else about our lives.
That’s why your action today is so critical.
As I mentioned, immigration reform must FIRST secure our borders.
But Obama and his allies are hatching a plot to ram immigration reform through Congress that fails to secure our borders and creates a new National ID card.
And only your action can halt this bad deal.
So please sign your Emergency Fax Petition to your representatives IMMEDIATELY.
As you’ll see, your Emergency Fax Petition urges them to oppose ANY immigration reform that doesn't secure our borders FIRST.
I can tell you many members of Congress know they’re dealing with a political hot potato in this Immigration Reform Bill.
So flooding Congress with Emergency Fax Petitions will make an enormous difference.
And if you can, please agree to chip in a contribution of $10 or $20 will help me reach and mobilize even more freedom-loving Americans during this critical time.
Constantin, you and I both know just how important this issue is.
It’s absolutely critical that I’m able to mobilize American citizens IMMEDIATELY.
But without your help – and your generosity today – I’m afraid I just may not have the resources to make that happen.
So please sign your Emergency Fax Petition and agree to chip in a contribution of $10 or $20 – TODAY!
In liberty,
Senator Rand Paul
P.S. President Obama and his allies are scheming to ram immigration reform that fails to secure our borders and creates a new National ID card through Congress.
Many members of Congress know they’re dealing with a political hot potato in this Immigration Reform Bill, so your action can make a tremendous difference.