Spy on thee, but not on me

Dear Constantin,

Late last week, news broke out that one of my colleagues in the United States Senate was absolutely incensed.

According to her allegations, the CIA has been spying on members of the Intelligence Committee – the very Committee tasked with oversight of the CIA.

Constantin, this is an absolute outrage. If even a small portion of these allegations turn out to be true, heads should roll. This is NOT something that can ever be allowed to happen in a free country.

But I do have one question . . .

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Just where was my colleagues’ outrage when the NSA was caught spying on the American people and ignoring the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment?

Are their constitutional freedoms somehow more precious than every day Americans?

Constantin, I believe the answer to that question is “NO!”

And if you agree, I hope you’ll sign your American Privacy Mandate IMMEDIATELY.


The truth is, a recent study released just last week by Stanford University shows metadata gathered by the NSA can reveal far more about American citizens than spying apologists want to let on.

Financial connections. Professional and legal connections. Romantic involvement. Medical conditions. Religious affiliation. Political views. Even gun ownership.

President Obama’s IRS was caught red-handed targeting Tea Party and conservative organizations for intimidation.

The Justice Department wiretapped reporters who dared to criticize the White House.

This administration still won’t come clean over Benghazi.

I’ll admit. Sometimes I wonder about those who say they aren’t worried about the President abusing this power – I wonder if there’s some metadata out there showing they might be smoking something they shouldn’t.

A power-hungry administration armed with this kind of spying power over American citizens should send shivers down every Americans’ spine.

Most Americans understand national gun registration is just the first step to losing our Second Amendment rights.

With the NSA logging our phone calls, emails and Internet activity, they have an instant registry of everything they ever wanted to know about us.

Just like the national gun registry for our gun rights, I’m afraid that’s the first step toward us losing everything.

As Thomas Jefferson stated, “the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”

We have a Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution for a reason.

I’m not going to stand by while this or any other President takes our God-given rights to the paper-shredder.

I hope you won’t either.


Over the next few months, as the November 2014 election draws even closer, I hope RANDPAC will be able to recruit, endorse and support constitutional conservative candidates who will stand up for our Fourth Amendment rights.

The good news is, after these new allegations about government spying on members of the U.S. Senate, the timing couldn’t be better.

Thanks to pressure from good folks like you, more and more of my colleagues now understand they’ll be branded hypocrites if they work to defend their own privacy from government snooping only to turn a blind eye to government spying on the rest of us.

There’s nothing worse than being painted as “out of touch” when seeking voters’ approval at the ballot box.

That’s why now is the time for you and me to act.

So won’t you please sign your American Privacy Mandate right away?

After you sign your mandate please chip in a contribution of $10 or $20.

Only with your help will RANDPAC be able to help elect conservatives to office who stand up to President Obama when he tramples on our constitutional rights.

So please act right away.

Please chip in a contribution of $10 or $20 TODAY!

In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul (R - Kentucky)

P.S. Where was my colleagues’ outrage when the NSA was caught spying on the American people and ignoring the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment?


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