Sarah Palin Predicted Ukraine Invasion in 2008

Sunday, 02 Mar 2014 10:22 AM
By Sandy Fitzgerald
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin says she's "usually not one to Told-Ya-So," but when it comes to her prediction in 2008 that Russia President Vladimir Putin would one day invade Ukraine, she's claiming her bragging rights.
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Palin, on her Facebook page this weekend, said that when she was campaigning in 2008 as Republican presidential candidate John McCain's running mate, she was "derided" for predicting that the Ukraine would be invaded should then-Sen. Barack Obama be elected.
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"Yes, I could see this one from Alaska," Palin posted on Facebook, saying she said "told-ya-so" in the case of her "accurate prediction being derided as 'an extremely far-fetched scenario' by the 'high-brow' Foreign Policy magazine.

"Here’s what this 'stupid' 'insipid woman' predicted back in 2008," Palin said. "After the Russian Army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama's reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence, the kind of response that would only encourage Russia's Putin to invade Ukraine next."

Palin's post has been shared by more than 16,000 Facebook users and "liked" by more than 70,000 as of Sunday morning.

Foreign Policy's then-editor, Blake Hounshell, who now is an editor for Politico Magazine,wrote on the magazine's blog that warns Palin's comments were "strange" and "this is an extremely far-fetched scenario."

"And given how Russia has been able to unsettle Ukraine's pro-Western government without firing a shot, I don't see why violence would be necessary to bring Kiev to heel," Hounshell wrote.

Palin made her remarks after Obama's running mate, Joe Biden, had warned Obama supporters to "gird your loins" because, if he was elected, international leaders could test or try to take advantage of the young president.

Mike Rogers, GOP: Obama Must Stand Up to Putin; Palin Predicted War in Ukraine
3/2/2014 4:23:47 P.M. Eastern Standard Time

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