Reset Policy with Russia has been a failure

F-35 Maintenance Hangar Funding Finalized for Hill Air Force Base

Yesterday, the Senate and the House finalized funding for the construction of a new maintenance hangar at Hill Air Force Base for the F-35 stealth fighter jet. Operational maintenance will be performed inside the hangar by the 388th Fighter Wing based at Hill. The funding was originally included in the 2014 National Defense Appropriations Act, but was removed in the Omnibus Bill. As a memeber of Senate Armed Services Committee I pushed to allow and approve the Department of Defense to reprogram funding needed for this construction. I was joined in this effort by Senator Hatch and Congresman Bishop to also pressure the Senate Committee on Appropriations, the House Armed Services Committee, and the House Appropriations Committee to reprogram this funding. Now that all relevant committees have approved the reprogramming of funding, the U.S. Air Force can begin construction on the complex.

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I was there when the first F-35 was delivered to Hill Air Force Base, and I am pleased that this funding has been approved and that the Air Force can finally start construction on the F-35 maintenance hangar. The arrival of the F-35 in Northern Utah next year begins a significant new chapter for the Air Force and our state, and having the facilities ready for this delivery is of upmost importance to protecting and maintaining the taxpayer's investment in this weapons system. We are excited that the future of military innovation and technological advancement is continuing to be forged in our state.

Reset Policy with Russia has been a failure

This morning I attended an Armed Services Committee hearing on our military's strategic and cyber commands. I am concerned that the President has decided we can reduce our number of nuclear weapons for the wrong reasons, and have been disturbed by recent reports about the Russian government violating weapons treaties that they have signed with the United States. The President's reset policy with Russia has been a failure, and we should not press forward with any new agreements with a country that is not honoring current treaties.
You can watch my questions and Admiral Haney's responses about this issue here:


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