From the desk of Ann Coulter

"Read More"
Dear Constantin,

Taking control of the United States Senate in 2014 is one of our last chances to defeat President Obama's liberal agenda.

Electing a Republican Senator from North Carolina is critical to winning the majority, but only a real conservative can defeat Democrat Kay Hagan.

The latest polls prove it; Dr. Greg Brannon, the true conservative currently running in the Republican primary, is leading one of Obama's most reliable allies, Senator Kay Hagan.

Greg Brannon is pro-gun, pro-life, and he's a devoted husband and father.

And unlike his primary opponents, he refuses to support amnesty.

That's why I've proudly endorsed Greg Brannon's campaign for U.S. Senate.

He's running against a primary opponent backed by Washington special interests and he needs your help.

Greg's "
2014 Grassroots Victory Fund" end of the quarter fundraising push is going on RIGHT NOW!

Will you
make a generous contribution to help him reach his fundraising goal by midnight on Tuesday, December 31?

Read Greg's letter below for more information about his campaign and why your contribution is desperately needed.

Thank you in advance for joining me and supporting Greg Brannon for U.S. Senate.


Ann Coulter
Conservative Author 

Greg Brannon


The attacks have gotten worse.

But it's not just the Republican establishment gunning for me.

Al Sharpton and the entire Democratic National Committee have now launched an all-out smear campaign against me.

Referring to me as "the leading candidate," they're not even waiting until the Primary is over.

They know I'm the only Republican who can DEFEAT Kay Hagan -- and they're coming after me guns blazing.

So with the December 31 fundraising deadline just a few days away, I must be able to count on your immediate support.

Constantin, this is the most critical reporting period of my entire campaign.

So please, if at all possible,
make the most generous contribution you can afford right away to my End of the Quarter Grassroots Victory Fund.

I’ll get more into the nuts and bolts of the issues in just a moment, but first let me introduce myself to you on a personal level.

My wife, Jody, and I have been married for 25 years, and we have been blessed with seven beautiful children.

Six girls and a boy. In 2004, God placed the idea of adoption on our hearts -- and I'm proud to say that our three youngest girls were all adopted from China.

Over the last 24 years, I've been blessed to work as an Obstetrician -- which means I've had the privilege of helping to bring more than 9,000 babies into the world.

Like most Americans, I believe in the traditional American values of individual liberty, hard work, personal responsibility, and faith in God and family.

And Jody and I do our best to instill these values in our children. But Jody and I don't just teach our children traditional values -- we also do our best to lead by example.

That's why -- whether coaching sports, leading a men's Bible study group, volunteering at the local crisis pregnancy center, helping start a private Christian school, or traveling the world on Christian medical missions -- I've spent time helping others.

But with the madness coming out of Washington these days, quite frankly, I'm concerned for my children's future.

That’s why I’m running for U.S. Senate.

You see, it's no secret that the biggest electoral success the Republican Party has tasted in recent years was the 2010 election powered by the Tea Party wave.

In fact, if Republicans can just gain the same six Senate seats in 2014 that we gained in 2010, Harry Reid will be toppled as Majority Leader.

And as the pro-life, anti-amnesty, Tea Party conservative in this race, I represent our party's best chance to fire Kay Hagan.

In fact, a recent poll shows I'm the only Republican candidate to lead Kay Hagan in a head-to-head matchup.

But my campaign's momentum only means the establishment is going to double down.

Karl Rove is already lining up national Super PACs to crush Tea Party candidates like me. The big government establishment knows I'm not one of "their guys."

But there's a reason Karl Rove and his cronies are flooding my establishment opponent's campaign coffers with piles of special-interest cash.

They actually believe they're entitled to North Carolina's seat.

And they think they can buy it.

In their minds, all they have to do is drop a few million dollars on carefully-crafted TV ads on every channel and network in North Carolina. . .

Pay high-priced D.C. consultants sitting at a fancy desk in Washington, D.C. to craft catchy slogans for campaign slicks and mailers . . .

And the Tea Party will SHUT UP and fall in line.

Well, I believe they're wrong.

And I'm counting on you to help me prove it to them.

That's why I've set a goal of 2,014 donors for this quarter to fund our grassroots voter identification program.

With the early voting kicking into high gear after the New Year, we need to have the funds to implement our voter contact program by opening grassroots centers and contacting voters through mail, email, phone banks and door-to-door canvassing as soon as the calendar turns to 2014.
That's why I hope you'll make a generous contribution to my Grassroots Victory Fund right away.

Constantin, I'm prepared to win this campaign the old-fashioned way.

Not by spending millions on high-priced establishment consultants like Karl Rove.

Not by watering down my conservative views to be more "acceptable" to D.C. insiders.

This campaign will be won with pure grassroots power.

I'm talking about pounding the pavement, knocking on doors and talking to thousands of voters.

My campaign will open multiple offices equipped with state-of-the-art phone banks across the state.

And I'll be driving tens of thousands of miles attending events and meeting hard-working North Carolinians across the state.

But the truth is, the amount my campaign is able to do will be determined by this quarter's fundraising numbers.
That's why I'm counting on you to make the most generous contribution you can afford to Grassroots Victory Fund today.

There's no doubt my opponent is the hand-picked candidate of the Washington insiders who want to keep the big government gravy train running full speed ahead.

But I'm proud to have been endorsed by Senator Rand Paul, Ann Coulter, Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) and Red State Editor-in-Chief Erick Erickson.

They are rallying to my cause because they know I'm the only conservative in this race.

These conservative superstars took one look at my establishment opponent and saw a carbon copy of the stand-for-nothing Republicans who belly flopped in the 2012 election.
Today, will you join these conservative champions in supporting my campaign?

Believe me, I understand only a few people are able to afford $2,600 ($5,200 per couple) -- the maximum legal amount under federal law.

But if you are such a person, I believe this race is an investment worth making.

But I also understand that $50 or $100 may be all many folks can give.

In fact, I know for some even $10 or $20 is a sacrifice.

Whatever amount you can afford,
your contribution will be greatly appreciated and put to immediate use -- and I promise to be a careful steward of your trust.

So please, make the most generous contribution to my Grassroots Victory Fund immediately.


Greg Brannon, MD
Republican Candidate
United States Senate

P.S. The December 31st reporting deadline is just days away.

With early voting kicking into high gear after the New Year, this report is critical for my campaign to budget our get-out-the-vote field operation that helped push Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee to victory.
So please agree to make the most generous personal contribution you can afford right away -- so my campaign can run the strongest grassroots mobilization program possible.


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