I want to let you in on the worst-kept secret in Washington.
The millions of health insurance cancellations sweeping the nation thanks to ObamaCare?
They’re not tragic accidents -- they’re part of the plan.
In order to keep ObamaCare going, the White House needs to force as many people as possible to pay into its new insurance exchanges.
And they knew that would never happen as long as ObamaCare had to compete with private insurers, who actually had to earn Americans’ business.
So they decided the law had to drive Americans out of private insurance plans the vast majority were perfectly happy with.
Barack Obama and Kathleen Sebelius’s Department of Health and Human Services did that by making up new so-called “standards” that they knew existing plans didn’t meet.
According to their own estimates, the so-called “minimum essential benefits” insurers must now cover would end up outlawing a whopping 79.6 percent of private individual plans.
By their own admission, HHS was out to limit Americans to “a small number” of so-called “plans.”
And thanks to their definition of “meaningful,” now teetotalers must pay for substance abuse treatment, single men must pay for maternity care, and religious minded individuals must violate their conscience by subsidizing abortion.
The result? The average cost of individual insurance plans across the country is projected to jump by 41 percent.
Affordability was never their goal.
ObamaCare was meant to bring our entire health care system under the government’s thumb, and it’s just getting started.
That’s why nothing less than fully repealing this mess will stop it.
Gary Paumen, President
National League of Taxpayers
P.S. If you have not already signed your “Repeal ObamaCare” petition, click here to do so right away.
And if you can, I hope you will make a special contribution to expand the reach of our “Repeal ObamaCare” campaign. We receive no government funding.
I want to let you in on the worst-kept secret in Washington.
The millions of health insurance cancellations sweeping the nation thanks to ObamaCare?
They’re not tragic accidents -- they’re part of the plan.
In order to keep ObamaCare going, the White House needs to force as many people as possible to pay into its new insurance exchanges.
And they knew that would never happen as long as ObamaCare had to compete with private insurers, who actually had to earn Americans’ business.
So they decided the law had to drive Americans out of private insurance plans the vast majority were perfectly happy with.
Barack Obama and Kathleen Sebelius’s Department of Health and Human Services did that by making up new so-called “standards” that they knew existing plans didn’t meet.
According to their own estimates, the so-called “minimum essential benefits” insurers must now cover would end up outlawing a whopping 79.6 percent of private individual plans.
By their own admission, HHS was out to limit Americans to “a small number” of so-called “plans.”
And thanks to their definition of “meaningful,” now teetotalers must pay for substance abuse treatment, single men must pay for maternity care, and religious minded individuals must violate their conscience by subsidizing abortion.
The result? The average cost of individual insurance plans across the country is projected to jump by 41 percent.
Affordability was never their goal.
ObamaCare was meant to bring our entire health care system under the government’s thumb, and it’s just getting started.
That’s why nothing less than fully repealing this mess will stop it.

National League of Taxpayers
P.S. If you have not already signed your “Repeal ObamaCare” petition, click here to do so right away.
And if you can, I hope you will make a special contribution to expand the reach of our “Repeal ObamaCare” campaign. We receive no government funding.