The Latest Obamacare Lie From the White House
12/4/2013 4:52:34 P.M. Eastern Standard Time

Sent from the Internet (Details)

Dear Reader,

According to Fox News, an estimated 50 to 100 million insurance policy cancellations are coming next fall for people who already HAVE insurance. That's in addition to the 7 to 11.2 million that already received a cancellation letter from their provider

All thanks to Obamacare.

They'll then be forced to buy new, outrageously priced health care plans!

Four of the top leading experts claim that Obama's administration has known about these forced cancellations for at least three years now, even though the President promised Americans they'd be able to keep their insurance!

It's enough to make your blood boil - again.

No one in this country knows what will go wrong next, or how far this boondoggle will go. But there is one thing we know for sure:
A handful of ordinary people are going to become millionaires on Obamacare. They'll be collecting what we call "Obamacare Royalties" thanks to this rigged law.

I'm Mike Ward, publisher of Money Map Press, one of the country's leading financial research groups.

Our team of experts and researchers has looked at every single angle on Obamacare. And our conclusion is definitive:
Someone is benefiting off Obamacare in a big way - and it's not the average guy.

Frankly, the system has always been rigged to make sure someone benefits from new laws. I'm here to report that loopholes are hidden in Obamacare so certain people will get rich from the legislation. Those in the know could benefit by $1 million or more.

full analysis of the situation - including exactly who benefits and how you can get in on the Obamacare Royalties - is right here. I urge you to see this information immediately, because the clock is ticking.

In an age when information is power, this could be one of the most powerful (and potentially profitable) alerts you'll see for years to come.

go here for the complete details.


Mike Ward
Publisher, Money Map Press
P.S. This important alert will only be online for the next 22 hours. Please go here now.


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