Reply from Senator Cruz
12/4/2013 9:21:20 P.M. Eastern Standard Time

Sent from the Internet (Details)

United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Constantin,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts regarding the important issues facing our nation. Input from fellow Texans significantly informs my decision-making and empowers me to better represent the state. I especially appreciate your patience awaiting a response as we established our office and mail system.
My top priorities in the U.S. Senate are to dramatically cut spending, reduce burdensome federal regulations, and reform our tax system. With a federal debt of approximately $17 trillion saddling our economy, and annual economic growth averaging an anemic 0.9 percent the last four years, 23 million Americans are being denied a fair opportunity to achieve the American dream.
We cannot continue to spend money we do not have, and we must allow the private sector to create meaningful economic growth more in line with the annual average of 3.3 percent since World War II. The best way to generate economic growth and opportunity is by limiting the size of government, allowing the private sector to thrive, and empowering individuals. To reach these goals, I pledge to work every day to preserve America's founding principles, defend the Constitution, and champion small businesses and entrepreneurs to help them do what they do best-create jobs and get America working again.
Thank you for sharing your views with me. Please feel free to contact me in the future about any issue important to your family. It is an honor to serve you and the people of Texas.
For Liberty,
Senator Ted Cruz
Austin Office
300 E. 8th, Suite #961
Austin, TX 78701
Phone: (512) 916-5834
Dallas Office
10440 N Central Expwy, Suite #1160
Dallas, TX 75231
Phone: (214) 361-3500
Houston Office
1919 Smith St., Suite #800
Houston, TX 77002
Phone: (713) 653-3456
San Antonio Office
3133 General Hudnell Dr., Suite # 120
San Antonio, TX 78226
Phone: (210) 340-2885
Washington Office
B40B Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5922


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