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Today, our nation is $17 TRILLION in debt.

Dear Constantin,

"No sir, it does not. Not wittingly."

Those were the words National Intelligence Director James Clapper spoke before Congress on April 18, 2013 when asked if the NSA collected any data at all on American citizens.

Today, you and I know that statement was nothing more than a lie The NSA is collecting literally BILLIONS of phone records on American citizens every day.

Today, our Fourth Amendment – which protects Americans from government search and seizure unless there is probable cause of a crime – is under assault like never before. I’m doing everything I can to protect it.

I’m asking you to please sign the Fourth Amendment Protection Act petition I’ve made up for you IMMEDIATELY.

And if you can, I must ask for your generous support as well.

Every dollar you give will help me mobilize more Americans to stop this spying scheme.

You see, just like the "false and misleading" statements Obama’s IRS made before Congress about targeting Tea Party and conservative organizations for harassment, Clapper lied to conceal flatly wrong and unconstitutional behavior.

I know they tell us Big Brother lies and spies for our own good.

And if we’re "not doing anything wrong, we don’t have anything to worry about."

I wish it were that simple.

But looking at this administration’s track record, starting a Tea Party organization is "wrong" and singles you out for harassment.

We’ve already seen the outright smearing of law-abiding gun owners and the derision of those who "cling" to their guns and religion.

We see the Obama administration covering up Benghazi, then tapping Susan Rice – who helped mislead the American people in the wake of that outrage – for a promotion.

Our Constitution was crafted because they understood our liberties would be under constant assault.

Today, our nation is $17 TRILLION in debt. Government officials tell us what size sodas we can buy and what kind of light bulbs we can put in our homes.

We’re supposed to "trust" them with the broad power to track, trace and register all law-abiding American citizens’ communications – likely including not just phone records, but texts, credit card purchases, Internet activity, and emails?

This country fought a revolution over issues like generalized warrants, where soldiers would go from house to house, searching anything they liked.

Our lives are now so digitized that the government going from computer to computer or phone to phone is the modern equivalent of the same type of tyranny that our Founders rebelled against.

This madness has to be stop.

Since news broke about the NSA’s wiretapping scandal, the Big Government establishment in BOTH parties have doubled-down, desperate to shift blame to anyone but themselves.

But the American people’s outrage hasn’t subsided.

It’s time to turn that outrage into action.

I’ve introduced the Fourth Amendment Protection Act to stop the kind of mass data collection of American citizens that the NSA is conducting right now.

Now I’m counting on you to send the message to my colleagues you’re insisting on its passage.

Constantin, it won’t be easy.

I expect some of my colleagues to fight you and me every step of the way.

But this is not a fight you and I can ignore.

So won’t you please sign your Fourth Amendment Protection Act petition?

And, if you can, please agree to a generous contribution of $250, $100, $50, $35 – or whatever you can afford – TODAY.

As I mentioned, every dollar you give will help me mobilize more Americans to stop this outrageous assault on our liberties.

I’m prepared to use email, mail, web ads, social media – and even hard-hitting TV ads combined with a full-scale media campaign if I can raise the resources.

But I can’t put any of this into action without your generous financial support.

I truly believe this is a defining moment for our country.

Are our elected officials above the law?

Will we simply acquiesce and "look the other way" as the big government politicians run roughshod over our Constitution?

Or will we stand up and fight for our liberties?

If you’re prepared to stand with me, please sign your Fourth Amendment Protection Act petition right away and agree to your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50, $35 – or whatever you can afford – TODAY!

In liberty,
Senator Rand Paul

P.S. Our Fourth Amendment – which protects Americans from government search and seizure unless there is probable cause of a crime – is under assault like never before.

I’ve introduced the Fourth Amendment Protection Act to stop the kind of mass data collection of American citizens the NSA is conducting right now.

But politicians in BOTH parties will do whatever they can to defeat my bill.

So won’t you please sign your Fourth Amendment Protection Petition IMMEDIATELY?

And if you can, please agree to a generous contribution of $250, $100, $50, $35 or whatever you can afford to help me mobilize American citizens to stop this spying scheme!

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Paid for by Rand Paul for Senate 2016.


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