I need you to read this, Constantin

From: steve.forbes@nrtwcommittee.org
To: dacialan@aol.com
Sent: 2/11/2017 6:45:15 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: I need you to read this, Constantin

Dear Constantin,

It's vital the National Right to Work Committee hears from you today on this critical issue.

So please, read the letter below and take action at once.

Without the support of Americans like you, the fight for worker freedom would be near impossible.

Thank you for your support,

Steve Forbes
------Begin forwarded message------

Dear Constantin,

Right on cue.

The union bosses and their allies on Capitol Hill are hoping to maintain a four-four deadlock on the Supreme Court by filibustering Judge Gorsuch.

And at this time the votes are not there to break that filibuster.

Even before President Donald Trump announced Judge Neil Gorsuch to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court, Big Labor's allies in the Senate were lining up to block him.

At least one Senator even pledged to filibuster any pick that was not Big Labor's lackey, Judge Merrick Garland.

It's clear Big Labor and their allies in the Senate know exactly what's at stake.

My staff has been hard at work on a strategy to defeat this potential stalemate brewing in the Senate. And I'll tell you more about that in a minute.

With Big Labor funneling billions of dollars each election cycle into the campaign coffers of their handpicked politicians, Gorsuch's confirmation would be a game-changer in the political landscape.

That's why I hope you'll read my letter detailing what you and I can do to overcome the crushing weight of Big Labor's coffers and confirm Judge Gorsuch.

You see, with Gorsuch on the Supreme Court, Big Labor's forced-dues empire could come crashing down as:

The Supreme Court can rule all public sector forced dues as incompatible with the First Amendment.

Until Judge Scalia's passing, most legal observers agreed that the Court was set to rule 5-4 in the Friedrichs case and declare civil servants cannot be forced to pay any dues or fees to unions as a condition of employment.

Cases similar to the Friedrichs case are already moving through lower courts, heading toward the U.S. Supreme Court with the real possibility of ending Big Labor's stranglehold on government workers and taxpayers. But they would be killed by the current 4-4 deadlock.
A string of federal and state lawsuits, in which union lawyers are somehow arguing that Big Labor is constitutionally entitled to a portion of every worker's paycheck, is already making its way through the courts.

And the final piece of Big Labor's master plan -- to use the "takings" clause to kill state Right to Work laws -- relies on keeping the current Supreme Court vacancy.
National Right to Work Foundation-won precedents that protect against many of forced unionism's worst abuses may be reinforced and expanded.

Foundation attorneys have now argued at the Supreme Court 17 times and won -- outright -- 9 major cases, including our Davenport (2008), Knox (2012) and Harris (2014) cases.

Big Labor's legal assault to roll back these protections against forced unionism abuses will hang in the balance.
None of these victories are possible unless Judge Neil Gorsuch is confirmed immediately to break the four-four deadlock.
"Read More"

That's why your National Right to Work Committee is dedicated to confirming Gorsuch by breaking Big Labor's stranglehold on the U.S. Senate with our hard-hitting proven grassroots strategy.

But I need your help, Constantin.

Our strategists have set a budget of $55,000 needed by February 16th in order to fight back against Big Labor's assault.

Will you help the Committee launch our "Confirmation Now!" Emergency Action Fund with a most generous contribution of $100 or $50?

I realize that may be more than you've given in a single amount before.

But that's how crucial it is to defeat Big Labor and confirm Gorsuch right away.

If that's simply too much to ask for at this moment, will you please consider an emergency donation of $25 or at least $10 immediately?

No matter what you give, please know your contribution will go directly toward funding our proven techniques to mobilize pressure against swing Senators siding with Big Labor over worker freedom.


With so much on the line, your National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation began vetting potential nominees immediately after the election.

In fact, just days after the election, President Trump's transition team and others on Capitol Hill began requesting the Foundation's research on potential appointees.

Our Foundation staff worked overtime to research and review Judge Gorsuch's record.

And let me tell you, Gorsuch is no friend of Big Labor.

I'm happy to report that his history of standing for the Rule of Law while protecting against Big Labor's legal assault is very encouraging.

That's why your immediate contribution is vital in allowing the Committee to strike back by reaching our "Confirmation Now!" Emergency Action Fund goal of $55,000.

While the Foundation's team of legal scholars was reviewing stacks of legal rulings by Trump's list of potential
nominees . . .

. . . your Committee immediately began preparing a road map for this battle the very next day after November's election.

Our plan to smash through Big Labor's confirmation blockade includes:

A state-of-the-art digital campaign including Google and Facebook ads, allowing us to reach hundreds of thousands of Right to Work supporters to urge their U.S. Senators to confirm Judge Gorsuch;
Running targeted phone-a-thons and petition drives cranking up the heat on swing votes in the 8 key states needed to overcome a likely filibuster;
A hard-hitting TV ad blitz, urging Senators to say no to the union bosses, if funding allows.
These proven techniques are what paved the way for passage of Right to Work in two states over the last month!

But a plan without action will not confirm Gorsuch.

And to put this plan into action, the Committee has a target of raising an additional $55,000 by February 16th.

If we fall short, your Committee's ability to compete with union bosses scheming to shut down Judge Gorsuch's confirmation will be strained.

And the voices supporting Judge Gorsuch's confirmation will be drowned out by Big Labor's billion dollar forced-dues slush fund.

I hope you won't let that happen, Constantin.

That's why your most generous contribution of $100 or $50 to the Committee's "Confirmation Now!" Emergency Action Fund is so vital.

I'm really counting on you to click here with your generous support of $100 or $50 right away.

But I understand if the most you can give at this urgent time is $25 or $10.


With the potential to end forced unionism for every public sector worker, and the chance to reinforce legal precedents protecting worker freedom . . .

. . . I really need each and every Right to Work supporter to dig deep.

Whatever you can afford, please give generously to the Committee's "Confirmation Now!" Emergency Action Fund.

So please, help us smash Big Labor's Supreme Court blockade with an urgent contribution of $100, $50, $25 or at least $10 right away.


Mark Mix
President, National Right to Work Committee

P.S. With virtually their entire forced-dues empire at stake, union bosses are pulling out all the stops to block Judge Neil Gorsuch from being confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

That's why your National Right to Work Committee is leading the counter-attack with our time-tested plan of action to blast through Big Labor's blockade over the confirmation process.

But to launch our proven strategies, the Committee must raise at least $55,000 for our "Confirmation Now!" Emergency Action Fund by February 16th.

Will you help the Committee launch our "Confirmation Now!" Emergency Action Fund with a most generous contribution of $100 or $50?

If that's simply too much to ask for at this moment, will you please consider an emergency donation of $25 or at least $10 instead?


The National Right to Work Committee is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens' organization dedicated to combating compulsory unionism through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to compulsory unionism and, at the same time, enlist public support for Right to Work legislation. The Committee's mailing address is 8001 Braddock Road, Springfield, Virginia 22160. The Committee can be contacted toll-free at 1-800-325-7892. Its web address is http://nrtwc.org/

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  This message was intended for: dacialan@aol.com
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