Fwd: Stay in Touch in 2017

To: dacialan@aol.com
Sent: 12/23/2016 10:14:12 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: Stay in Touch in 2017
News from Congressman Luke Messer

Stay in Touch in 2017

I hope you are enjoying this holiday season with family and friends.
As we approach the New Year, I'm reminded that big opportunities and big challenges lie ahead. This is an exciting time. As your voice in Congress, I'm ready to work with my fellow lawmakers and the next President to deliver results for the American people and for Hoosiers in the 6th District. 
Your input as we tackle these issues is critical, so please stay in touch in 2017. I have a new office at the Capitol, and can now be reached at 1230 Longworth House Office Building, Washington D.C. 20515. My office phone number is the same– 202-225-3021.
You can also contact our offices in Muncie, Richmond and Shelbyville. Contact information for these offices is at the bottom of this email. You can also email me here
I welcome your ideas and thoughts on policy proposals, and am happy to answer questions or help you navigate the federal government. And if you are visiting our nation's capital, I would love to have you stop by or help you book a Capitol tour. 
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you in Congress. I look forward to hearing from you as we get to work in 2017.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from my family to yours. 

Luke Messer

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Washington DC
1230 Longworth
House Office Building
Washington, D. C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-3021
Muncie Office
107 W. Charles St.
Muncie, IN  47305
Phone: (765) 747-5566
Fax: (765) 747-5586
Richmond Office
Richmond Municipal Building
50 North 5th Street
Richmond, IN 47374
Phone: (765) 962-2883
Fax: (765) 962-3225
Shelbyville Office
2 Public Square
Shelbyville, IN 46176
Phone: (317) 421-0704
Toll Free: (855) 341-8196
Fax: (317) 421-0739

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