take a stand

From: rand.paul@randpaul2016.com
To: dacialan@aol.com
Sent: 7/25/2016 11:05:27 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: take a stand
Patriot, the Democrats are rallying around their chosen candidate at the DNC this week, ignoring all Hillary’s astounding lack of regard for the law, and general contempt for the average citizens of this country.
Frankly, it’s insulting.
It’s insulting to the men and women like you who have been taught over the years that there is only one law that should apply equally to all Americans.
It’s insulting to the hard-working coal miners in Kentucky who Hillary so proudly boasts she’ll put out of work.
While average Americans worked hard for everything they have, Hillary worked hard to establish two sets of rules: one that applies to average joes and one that applies to liberal elites like the Clintons.  
A set of rules that free her from the responsibility of telling the truth and serving the people honestly.
Her abuse of power as First Lady, as Senator, and as Secretary of State, have proven that Hillary does NOT deserve to hold the highest office.
So, while the Democrats cheer hard for Hillary this week, I’m asking you to please rally with me against the corruption she would bring to the oval office.
Against “Clinton style” justice.
Against the big government agenda she would undoubtedly push on this country.
Thank you, Patriot.

In liberty,
Rand Paul


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