Is China the Real Big Short?

Sent: 1/19/2016 10:11:34 A.M. Hawaiian Standard Time
Subj: Is China the Real Big Short?
Dear Constantin,
Boris & Kathy
Is China the Real Big Short?
In the movie The Big Short, one of the characters says, ”being early is the same thing as being wrong.” When you are trading that’s often true, but when you are investing with long term thesis being early simply means it will take a little longer to make a huge pile of money. Just ask Warren Buffett.
For several years many experts have been warning us about the dangers of the Chinese economy. We’ve all heard about the 100 million dollar junkets to Macao. We’ve all seen the ghost cities built at an enormous cost which sit empty of any residents.
We’ve all seen videos of garish shopping malls barren of any customers, and if you live in New York or Vancouver, we’ve all experienced the “real-estate-as-a-bank-vault” phenomenon.
But despite all of these troubling signs the Chinese economy continued to chug along, oblivious to the dangers ahead. Until now.
For investors, 2016 has started with a bang, but not the kind that they like to see. Since the start of the year, the Chinese equity market has been down limit almost every day. In fact, two weeks ago the Shanghai composite had its shortest trading session in 25 years as stocks only traded for 15 minutes before being overwhelmed by sell orders that triggered the circuit breakers.
Finally the chickens are coming home to roost and no less an authority than George Soros has warned that this time the damage could be worse than in 2008. So is China the Real Big Short? We think so; and over the next year we’ll show you ways to not only sidestep the pitfalls of the Chinese economic collapse, but to also profit from the currency collapse that it will unleash.
This is a major reason why Kathy Lien and I have agreed to be interviewed by Weiss Research’s Mike Burnick next Monday, January 25 at 2:00 PM: To help you keep your wealth growing despite the China threat and more.
The title of the briefing is “The Ultimate Wealth-Building Tool for a World Gone Mad” — and here’s just a taste of the indispensable information we have in store for you:
** Carnage on Wall Street: The 13 “unlucky” reasons why Wall Street insiders say stocks and bonds are likely to collapse in 2016 ...
** Urgent self-defense: What you must do immediately — in early February if at all possible — to help grow your wealth and save your retirement ...
** The ultimate investment for a world on the brink: This “secret” investment market is virtually unknown to everyday investors — but the world’s richest bankers use it to grow richer even in the most terrifying times.
PLUS Kathy and I will also give you ...
>> 12 compelling reasons why this alternative to stocks and bonds is essential to growing your wealth in 2016 and beyond ...
>> Three surprisingly simple ways to harness its enormous money-making power — and why at least one of them is sure to fit YOUR objectives and risk tolerance hand-in-glove ...
>> The quickest, easiest way to know what to buy, what to sell and when to do it — to go for gains that could multiply your money by up to 17 times — enough to turn every $10,000 invested into nearly $170,000 ...
>> And more.
And we will also give you our simple strategy designed to multiply your money as this crisis unfolds in the year ahead!
This is not a promotional event. Nothing will be offered for sale.
To attend, simply save this bulletin to your desktop, then click this link a few minutes before 2:00 PM Eastern Time (1:00 PM Central, 12 Noon Mountain, 11:00 AM Pacific, 7:00 PM GMT) this coming Monday.
Happy Trading!
Boris & Kathy
Boris Schlossberg and Kathy Lien
Weiss Research

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