Dear Constantin:

What if we don't tackle our ballooning $18.3 TRILLION debt?

What if we don't secure our borders, repeal ObamaCare, and stop Big Government politicians in BOTH parties from whittling away even more at our cherished Bill of Rights?

Constantin, if we elect another Big Government charlatan in EITHER party, I'm afraid our country is going to experience the disastrous answers to these questions.

So today, with the critical August 31st End of Month deadline rapidly approaching, I'm counting on your most generous financial support to help me take the "Next Step." 

"Read More"

Will you please agree to your most generous contribution of $20.16 at once?

Constantin, thanks to your support, you and I have already seen many big successes during my campaign for President.

First, you and I burst out of the gates posting poll numbers leading Hillary Clinton in five key swing states President Obama won in both 2008 and 2012.

Then, we forced the NSA's outrageous and unconstitutional domestic spying programs to expire -- even in the face of outrage from spy state apologists in BOTH parties.

I unveiled my massive Fair and Flat Tax Plan to blow up our tax code, start over, return $2 TRILLION to the American people over ten years and create at least 1.4 million new jobs.

Then, you and I forced Members of the U.S. Senate to vote on finally DEFUNDING Planned Parenthood so the American people can clearly see who stands with them, and who stands with the radical abortionists who abort unborn babies, dismember them and sell their body parts for profit!

And, I faced down perhaps the biggest spy state apologist of them all during the first presidential debate in my full-throated defense of the Constitution's Fourth Amendment!

Grassroots energy is high everywhere I go.

But now is when the rubber meets the road.

Now is when I need to turn that grassroots energy into an unstoppable political force ready to catapult my campaign to the Republican nomination for President!

Constantin, I didn't run for the U.S. Senate on an ego trip, because I wanted a new job or some high-powered insider hack thought I might make a good candidate.

I ran because I feared for the future of my country.

I don't want our country to experience any more pain from years upon years of Big Government policies.

But I know that's what's in store for us if we nominate yet another fake conservative.

Constantin, I ran as an unapologetic Tea Party candidate for the U.S. Senate in 2010.

I've done something most politicians don't. I've delivered. I've fought the status quo with everything I have as a U.S. Senator.

Now, I'm taking the next step and running for President as an unapologetic defender of liberty and limited government.

But I'm counting on you to help me win.

Constantin, this month's Next Step Fundraising Blitz is critical -- not just because reporters and political "experts" are sniffing around my campaign to see if I can really mobilize the grassroots support necessary to win.

It's critical because to build the on-the-ground campaign presence I need to win, I need to pay for all the campaign stops, phone banks, bumper stickers, pizza for volunteers and TV ads.

So will you please agree to your most generous contribution of $20.16 right away?

Then, will you forward this email to everyone you know and ask them to please give as generously as possible to my Next Step Fundraising Blitz right away?

Your support will make a massive impact. So please act at once!

In Liberty,

Rand Paul

Paid for by Rand Paul for President


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