On my short list


Constantin, I'm reaching out to you for help.

Sometimes fighting against the Washington Cartel -- made up of both Republicans and Democrats -- is extremely difficult and right now, I hope I can count on you, Constantin.

After what happened Sunday on the Senate floor, I asked my staff who I could reach out to, and your name was at the top of the list.

You see, Senator Mike Lee and I attempted to bring to a vote measures that would defund Planned Parenthood, force Iran to recognize the sovereignty of the nation of Israel, and free four American prisoners from Iranian captivity.

But our Republican Senate Majority Leader has sold us out again...

It's clear that so-called Republican Majority Leader has the exact same agenda as Democrat Senator Harry Reid had as Majority Leader. Every calculating decision has been made to favor Big Government and the Washington Cartel.

That's why I need you in my corner. The only way to derail their big government system is to dismantle it from the top.

Constantin, America needs a president who will stand up to the Washington Cartel and fight for what's right...not for power and petty personal wars. If you're willing to stand and fight with me, I need the most generous support you can muster by clicking one of the secure buttons below:




One of McConnell's establishment allies went on the record saying that I must "play by the rules," but Constantin, I'm not willing to play by their rules.

And by even admitting that in this quick note to you, I am sure to draw even deeper attacks from Senator McConnell and the Washington Cartel.

Please, can I count on you to have my back in this fight?

For liberty,

Ted Cruz

P.S. Constantin, there is a gulf in our country between career politicians in Washington and the rest of us. We must buck the trend and break the cycle. If you agree, follow this link to make an emergency contribution of $35 or more to fend off their attacks.


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