If you thought Eric Holder was bad...

Constantin --

Last night I announced I will oppose Loretta Lynch's nomination to succeed Eric Holder as Attorney General.

After listening to her testimony where she refused to commit to ruling out the federal government's authority to deploy drones to kill an American on American soil, I was appalled.

But her testimony accelerated from appalling to dreadful at rapid speed.

You see, she defended President Obama's illegal executive amnesty as "reasonable."

And then she declared civil asset forfeiture as a "useful tool."

Civil asset forfeiture is the process by which the government seizes your property -- sometimes before you are even convicted of a crime.

It's a power grab that violates the Fifth Amendment.

The Attorney General should independently and objectively analyze legal issues confronting the administration.

We don't need another Attorney General who conjures up flimsy reasoning like the president's actions are legal because President Obama makes them.

Last fall President Obama claimed every one of his policies were on the ballot.

And the American people turned out to reject every single one of them.

But now, Loretta Lynch's nomination doubles down on every one of these policies.

That's why RANDPAC needs your help to mobilize the grassroots to urge my colleagues to stop Loretta Lynch's nomination.

I'm willing to lead the fight in the Senate to stop her confirmation, but I need your help on the outside to gin up a tsunami of grassroots uproar.

That's why I'm counting on you to sign your "Stop Loretta Lynch" petition right away.


Thank you for all that you do.

In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul


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