New Year's Greetings and news update from Dr. David Duke

Dear friends,

May I wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year.

This year has certainly started with a bang for me!  As I am sure you will have seen, the Zio-media si full of stories about how a Republican Congressman, Steve Scalise, supposely attended a EURO conference back in 2002.

Although I wasn't physically at the conference, just the sheer allegation of his presence has been enough to incite the wrath of the Zio-media upon his head!

Here below is my latest post on over the Rep. Scalise uproar, and some other recent stories which I am sure you will find of interest.
Best to you and yours

Dr. David Duke

The Steve Scalise Lynching:

A Textbook Example of how the Zio-Media Lies

The ongoing Zio-media lynching of Republican Rep. Steve Scalise over a meeting he allegedly addressed 12 years ago has provided a textbook example of how the Jewish Supremacist-controlled mass media lies, deceives and slanders anyone who does not slavishly follow the Jewish Lobby’s control of Washington DC.
"Read Moe"

Read the entire article here. . . .

Zio-Racist and Media Hypocrisy on Display Again over Ban on Jewish Youth Dating Non-Jews

Imagine for a minute if any Christian Church in America had an official ban on its youth members from dating Jews.

Imagine what the ADL, the SPLC, or any of the other Jewish Supremacist pressure groups would say about such a Christian Church.

They would be screaming from the rooftops about “racism.”

They would be screaming from the rooftops about “anti-Semitism.”

Their Zio-newspapers would be running headlines about the evils of “white racism” and “white privilege” and how this must be combatted.

The American public—and the world, through the Zio-controlled mass media—would be bombarded day and night about this “evil” church.

So why then, does no-one know about the United Synagogue Youth (USY), the youth movement of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ) in America—founded in 1951—which has always had a formal ban on its members from dating non-Jews?

Read the entire article here...

Hacking of Jewish Bosses at Sony is “Terrorism” and Why N. Korea is the Target of the Zio Media!
There’s no argument, North Korea is obviously a repressive state. However, there is no short supply of oppressive states on planet Earth. In truth, there is no more oppressive, murderous, sate on Earth than Israel. It was founded on ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of people who still to this day cannot return to the place of their birth. Israel has murdered and maimed tens of thousands of Palestinians, Lebanese and others, and it also tortured tens of thousands.

So, why is Israel honored by the Western governments and Media while N. Korea is on the front pages continuously?

Read entire article here...
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