China and Russia Secretly Attack America - CIA Intel Warns

Dear Reader,

Details are beginning to emerge concerning a secret attack on the U.S. economy being carried out by both the Chinese and Russian governments.

To this point, the media has kept the American people in the dark about everything.

In a shocking video, the CIA's Financial Threat and Asymmetric Warfare Advisor has revealed we were able to fend off the first wave of this dangerous assault. But it was a close call.

However, he and many of the highest-ranking members of the U.S. Intelligence Community are now stepping forward because they fear this could quickly escalate into something terrifying.

All 16 intelligence agencies have officially released a single report that warns this situation has grown so dangerous, we could suffer "a worldwide economic collapse" that would cast us into "an extended period of global anarchy."

(You can view their official release here)

And some of the world's richest investors appear to be rushing to prepare for this frightening scenario.

Warren Buffett has now taken $55 billion of Berkshire Hathaway capital out of the markets. And George Soros has moved 16% of his net worth into a short position that shields him from an imminent Wall Street collapse.

It's critical you understand what's developing, because millions of Americans could soon be blindsided by a historic $100 trillion financial catastrophe...

Click here to continue reading...

Stay Safe,

Mike Ward
Publisher, Money Morning
China and Russia Secretly Attack America - CIA Intel Warns
1/14/2015 5:32:09 P.M. Eastern Standard Time

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