This war is illegal

Constantin --

Obama's war against ISIS is illegal and unconstitutional.

Only Congress can initiate war -- not the president.

And until Congress acts pursuant to the Constitution, this war is illegal.

That's why I'm proposing a bill that would rein in the president's unlimited war-making powers, restore our system of checks and balances, and formally declare war on ISIS, as required by the U.S. Constitution.

Will you add your voice to mine by signing your "Only Congress Can Declare War" petition? "Read More"

Unchecked government power, without the necessary checks and balances, is contrary to our heritage and allows for injustices most Americans find appalling.

President Obama cannot have unlimited war-making powers.

His military action is in clear violation of the War Powers Act.

And the Authorization for Use of Military Force, passed a decade ago to confront the attackers on 9/11, has nothing to do with the Islamic State in 2014.

Congress has a duty to act now.

Military action against ISIS is justified.

But the president acting without Congress is not.

Obama’s usurpation of Congress’s powers -- including unconstitutional executive actions on immigration, ObamaCare, and now unilateral warfare -- should be brought to a hard-and-fast end.

Obama is not a king, and his power is not unlimited.

That's why I'm introducing a resolution that creates a constitutional and official Declaration of War against ISIS, which would:

*** Force a roll call vote. Every politician in Washington should be on record, one way or the other. The American people deserve a real vote and an honest debate before entering into a war.

*** End the 2001/2002 Authorization for Use of Military Force. President Obama is manipulating laws passed in the wake of 9/11 to bypass Congress and expand unilateral warfare. His unlimited war-making powers must end immediately.

*** Include a 1-year expiration date on military action against ISIS. After my bill expires, Congress would be required to hold another vote before continuing military involvement.

*** Strictly limit the role of U.S. soldiers to: protecting our embassies, rescuing U.S. citizens from imminent danger, and operating in limited capacity against high-value targets.

Right now, this war is illegal until Congress acts pursuant to the Constitution and authorizes it.

Republicans were elected to put an end to President Obama's lawlessness.

My bill would stop Obama from acting unilaterally and force Congress to vote on a formal Declaration of War against ISIS, as required by the Constitution.

Defending America especially means defending her checks and balances on power, even if we agree with destroying ISIS.

That's why I hope you'll fill out your petition to your representative and senators immediately.

We must always abide by the Constitution when going to war -- and I'm counting on you to make that demand to my colleagues in Washington.

So please add your voice to mine and sign your "Only Congress Can Declare War" petition right away.

In Liberty,
Senator Rand Paul

This war is illegal
11/26/2014 8:12:02 P.M. Eastern Standard Time

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