
Last night proved a simple truth: while UKIP say they take votes from all parties, they cost the Conservative Party seats.
That means a vote for UKIP puts Labour closer to winning the election and Ed Miliband closer to Number 10.
When you go to bed with Nigel Farage, you wake up with Ed Miliband.
And that would mean higher immigration, no in/out referendum on the EU, and no economic plan for Britain's future.
If, like me, you're determined to stop that happening, join Team2015, our volunteer network, today:
The next election is the most important in a generation. It is a serious choice because so much is at stake.
In just 4 years, we've created 1.8 million jobs, cut the deficit by over a third and Britain now has the fastest growing of any major advanced economy.
We can continue on that path and secure a better future for people across Britain - or risk it all with a vote for Labour, the Lib Dems or UKIP.
Let's secure that better future. Please join Team2015 today - or donate £20 towards our campaign.
Grant Shapps
Conservative Party Chairman

PS 30,000 people have already signed up to Team2015. I hope you'll decide to join them today.
Last night:
10/10/2014 7:35:09 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
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