Tea Party Claims Huge Scalp as Cantor Crashes in Primary

Tuesday, 10 Jun 2014 08:09 PM
By Cathy Burke

In the most stunning upset of the midterm election season, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was crushed in the Virginia Republican primary Tuesday by little-known tea party-backed challenger Dave Brat.

With 90.2 percent of the vote counted, Brat had 55.4 percent to Cantor's 44.6 percent.

"I know there's a lot of long faces here tonight," Cantor told shocked supporters in a Richmond hotel ballroom, The Washington Post reported. "It's disappointing, sure. But I believe in this country. I believe there's opportunity around the next corner for all of us."

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Cantor spoke for just four minutes, promising to continue to "fight for the conservative cause."

Brat, an economics professor who's never run for public office, has been a relentless critic of the better-financed and far-better-known Cantor — who had been considered a potential future House speaker — for spending too much time in Washington and losing touch with his conservative base at home.

"The job title is representative. It's hard to represent people when you haven't met them," complained Brat, who teaches at Randolph-Macon College, a small liberal arts school north of Richmond.

This November Brat will face Democratic nominee Jack Trammell, a professor at the same college. 

"I'm as stunned as anybody," said Larry Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia. "I've yet to find one person nationally or in the state outside the Brat circle who thought Cantor would be beaten.

"This is one of the most stunning upsets in modern American political history," Sabato said. "This is the base rebelling against the GOP leadership in Washington, as represented by Eric Cantor.

"Everybody agrees that if immigration reform was on life support before, they're pulling out the plugs" because no other House Republican will want to end up like Cantor, Sabato said.

Fox News Political Editor Chris Stirewalt said Brat's election means comprehensive immigration reform is "dead meat."

Pollster Doug Schoen told Newsmax that Republican voters are angry. 

"They are angry at the establishment. Eric Cantor represents inside Washington — and this is a repudiation of the Republican leadership strata."

He said it's a warning sign for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who is involved in a tough general-election battle in Kentucky with Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes.

"There's just a sense that they want the establishment out. This is an angry vote. It's a rejection of everything the Republicans stand for," Schoen said.

Cantor, first elected in 2000, won the 2012 Republican primary with 79 percent of the vote. He has been the House majority leader since 2011, and has served in the Republican leadership since 2003.

Most Republicans view Cantor, 51, as the most conservative member of the House leadership, CNN noted, saying he served as President Barack Obama's chief foil in budget negotiations in 2011.

But Brat needled Cantor over his support for immigration reform.

"Congressman Cantor has now publicly declared his intention to pass amnesty as soon as he possibly can, with President Obama's help," Brat told The Daily Caller on the eve of the primary. 

"He is working hand-in-glove with the Chamber of Commerce to boost the supply of low-wage guest workers for corporations and provide other lavish Wall Street bailouts at taxpayers' expense. No lawmaker is more beholden to large corporate funders than Eric Cantor. His corporate donors think they can buy this election."

Brat even was able to pick off some former Cantor backers, PBS reported. 

"[Cantor's] interests have turned toward large corporations, and he's not looking out for my interests," Ron Hedlund, who owns a small industrial repair business in Richmond and was a former volunteer for Cantor, told PBS.

Brat had also picked up support from some local Republican groups as well, ominously topping Cantor by more than 40 points in a straw poll at the district's GOP convention in May, PBS noted.

For his part, Cantor — who collected more than $1 million in April and May for his campaign — stuck to accusations that Brat, who raised a little over $200,000, was a "liberal college professor." 

Virginia is no stranger to fights between the GOP establishment and the tea party since tea party favorite Ken Cuccinelli lost last year's gubernatorial race. This year, Cantor supporters met with resistance trying to wrest control of the state party away from tea party enthusiasts, including in Cantor's Richmond-area home district.

"It does speak to the kind of restlessness of the tea party," University of Richmond political science professor Daniel Palazzolo told the Associated Press.

The Cantor loss could bode ill for one other longtime Republican incumbent, Mississippi Sen. Thad Cochran, who's facing the fight of his life against tea party-backed challenger Chris McDaniel, who slams Cochran as not conservative enough.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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