Your ideas-

It’s always good to hear from you.
Lately, we’ve been spending more time in your community, speaking with people about the issues you and your neighbors care about.
We're listening to your ideas and concerns.
In fact, it's your ideas, and the ideas of everyone who is helping to elect Republicans to office, that defines what it means to be a Republican and what Republicans stand for.
We believe that every American, no matter where they come from or where they’re going, should have a chance to create their own American Dream.
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We believe in protecting and promoting your constitutionally guaranteed rights. You should have the freedom and the opportunity to build your own business, raise your children by your own values, and choose your own health care.
And we believe that our economy is strongest when taxes are low, the budget is balanced, and government gets out of the way and lets free enterprise reign. In our own homes and businesses, we don’t spend more than we have—and we don’t believe the government should either.
Through our conversations with thousands of Americans, we've created a list of what Republicans believe -- defining what it truly means to be a Republican.
But it’s important that we hear from you.
Sean Spicer
RNC Communications Director


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