"Statement of Republican Principles,"
Yesterday I was honored to be voted the winner of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Presidential straw poll.
CPAC is where conservative activists from all over the country meet to discuss the future of our movement.
I spoke to the attendees about how defending the Bill of Rights is a winning conservative message.
And that means defending EVERY part of the Bill of Rights.
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Conservatives should fight as fiercely against politicians trampling on the Fourth Amendment as we do when they infringe on the Second Amendment.
You see, President Obama's poll numbers are plummeting as more and more Americans are outraged over his Big Government schemes that shred our Constitution.
From signing the National Defense Authorization Act which allows for indefinite detention of American citizens to the NSA's domestic spying program, President Obama's assault on the Constitution betrays a failure to understand our rights.
Our rights come from our creator and cannot be separated from our being.
They aren't subject to the whims of a President and can't be stripped away by simple majority vote.

But our party can't dilute our message or shirk our duty to defend liberty.
In fact, our conservative values of limited government and defending the Bill of Rights are building momentum throughout the country.
If we stand strong on principle, conservatives can elect defenders of liberty and restore America's promise for all.
So I hope you'll take a few moments to watch my speech at CPAC and sign your "Statement of Republican Principles" to join me in the fight to defend our conservative values.
In Liberty,
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY)
Yesterday I was honored to be voted the winner of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Presidential straw poll.
CPAC is where conservative activists from all over the country meet to discuss the future of our movement.
I spoke to the attendees about how defending the Bill of Rights is a winning conservative message.
And that means defending EVERY part of the Bill of Rights.
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Conservatives should fight as fiercely against politicians trampling on the Fourth Amendment as we do when they infringe on the Second Amendment.
You see, President Obama's poll numbers are plummeting as more and more Americans are outraged over his Big Government schemes that shred our Constitution.
From signing the National Defense Authorization Act which allows for indefinite detention of American citizens to the NSA's domestic spying program, President Obama's assault on the Constitution betrays a failure to understand our rights.
Our rights come from our creator and cannot be separated from our being.
They aren't subject to the whims of a President and can't be stripped away by simple majority vote.
But our party can't dilute our message or shirk our duty to defend liberty.
In fact, our conservative values of limited government and defending the Bill of Rights are building momentum throughout the country.
If we stand strong on principle, conservatives can elect defenders of liberty and restore America's promise for all.
So I hope you'll take a few moments to watch my speech at CPAC and sign your "Statement of Republican Principles" to join me in the fight to defend our conservative values.
In Liberty,
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY)