Republicans need six seats to take back the U.S. Senate from the Democrats - we have found the six conservative women to fill those seats. These six women can lead the charge for the future of America - they know that lowering taxes, cutting spending, and repealing Obamacare are what this country needs to get back on track.
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Joni Ernst (Iowa) is a current member of the Iowa Senate, a mother, and soldier who has produced real results during her time in the Iowa State Legislature. Her 21 years of military service solidified her experience as a strong and competent leader.
Shelley Moore Capito (West Virginia) is the current U.S. Representative for West Virginia's 2nd Congressional District and a strong fighter against the EPA's war on coal.
Karen Handel (Georgia) was Georgia's first Republican Secretary of State. She is a life-long conservative and Republican who built her career on sound fiscal and organizational management in both the public and private sector.
Terri Lynn Land (Michigan) was Michigan's 41st Secretary of State. In that position, she lowered costs, increased transparency, and improved efficiency through innovation and technology in her state.
Julianne Ortman (Minnesota) is a Minnesota State Senator who became the first woman in Minnesota's history to serve as Chair of the Senate Tax Committee. She successfully led the effort to balance Minnesota’s $6 Billion deficit, without raising even $1 in new taxes.
Dr. Monica Wehby (Oregon) has nearly 30 years of experience formulating medical policy. She is a past president of the Oregon Medical Association where she led the 2004 tort reform campaign and she has fiercely fought Obamacare at every turn.

2014 is the year that we can take back the Senate to continue our stand for America and against President Barack Obama and his liberal D.C. allies.
We can't do it alone.
The Six Seat Majority Team represents hope for the conservative movement. With their election we can start turning back the liberal policies of the Obama Administration, but we need your help. Stand with us, these six women, and millions of Americans who are tired of the big taxers, big spenders, and big government liberals in Washington D.C.
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3/19/2014 3:06:14 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
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