250 Million Americans Already Infected - Video

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Dear Friend,

I wonder what the U.S. Government would have to say about THIS?

It's a video about the massive conspiracy between our government and Big Business which resulted in a major health crisis...

...250 million Americans infected with a dangerous parasite.
It explains how this parasite is responsible for many of your common & persistent health problems: fatigue, weight gain, stress, digestive trouble, and many more.
Click here to watch the video... it's the story THEY don't want you to know.
Stay Healthy,

Craig Cappetta
Director of Nutrition & Science
Whole Body Research International
P.S. This is something every single American needs to hear about... your health and the health of your family hangs in the balance.
250 Million Americans Already Infected - Video
3/30/2014 4:57:42 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time

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