Biblia este o afacere jidaneasca

the Bible is his FOUNDATION for investing.

(Biblia este o afacere jidaneasca)
Most people know Sean Hyman from his regular appearances on Fox Business, CNBC, and Bloomberg television ...
Sean is notorious for his uncanny ability to predict precise moves in the stock market.
Recently, I asked Sean what his secret is for investing so successfully.
I expected Sean to say that it was his years of experience at Charles Schwab or perhaps one of the complicated algorithms he uses for timing the stock market.
So when Sean responded that his secret to investing was the Bible, I was thoroughly shocked.
Yes, I knew Sean was a Christian (anyone who spends more than 1 minute with him will pick that up!). However, people usually keep their faith separate from things like ... investing.
But not Sean
For Sean, the Bible is his FOUNDATION for investing.
He explained to me how there is actually a "Biblical Money Code" woven into Scripture.
Sean says it is this Biblical Money Code that took him from making a mere $15,000 a year to now giving away up to $50,000 a year. Sean also credits this code with helping him turn his father's $40,000 retirement account into $396,000.
In fact, certain investment titans such as Warren Buffett have already used this code to amass billions.
What Sean had to say impressed me so much that I asked him to put a presentation together that reveals how anyone could use this Biblical Money Code.
I've personally watched this presentation several times.
In it, you will discover how you can use this Biblical Money Code to get out of debt ... make sound investments ... and morally build substantial wealth.

Aaron DeHoog
Financial Publisher
Newsmax and Moneynews


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