No More Business as Usual in Washington

Dear Constantin,

Millions of taxpayer dollars for Hollywood, NASCAR, algae growers, electric motorcycle makers and a host of other corporate kickbacks.

Hard working Americans like you are paying more in taxes to fund even more wasteful spending.

I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired of the way things are done in Washington.

And I'm especially tired of Harry Reid, Barack Obama and their big-spending pals hatching schemes to waste your hard earned money on programs that contradict our conservative values.

If I sound a little fired up - it's because I am.

And I'm going to do everything in my power to break through the establishment and return the GOP to its core principles.

Can I count on you to stand with me by signing your Statement of Republican Principles?

You see, the "fiscal cliff" fight served as a shining example of exactly what's wrong with Washington.

A bill that included massive new tax hikes and wasteful spending was passed in less than 24 hours - with many Senators only having three minutes to read the bill before Harry Reid forced them to vote on it.

Of course, you may hear those same people claiming they're going to get serious about cutting spending when the "fiscal cliff" fight is revisited this Spring.

They say next time it will be better.

But this is the same old song and dance the Republican establishment always uses to sell us out to the Big Government crowd in Washington - by promising future spending cuts.

In the past, the spending cuts never came, so there is no reason to believe they will come now.

It's up to you and me to make sure things are different this time.

How long will the establishment continue to ignore our real fiscal problems?

Problems like $16 TRILLION in debt with seemingly no end in sight.

As a Republican, I want my party to be known for its stone-cold seriousness about our fiscal problems.

I want it to be known for its adherence to our party's historical principles - like limited government, fiscal responsibility and lower taxes.

And adhering to this set of principles shouldn't be hard - especially for Republicans.

After all, these are the same tried-and-true principles that made America the freest, most prosperous nation on Earth.

The truth is, I believe there's never been a greater need for a Republican Party that isn't afraid to look our nation's problems in the face and start working to solve them.

If you agree, I hope you'll sign your Statement of Republican Principles IMMEDIATELY.

Constantin, I didn't come to Washington to join the "good ole boys" network.

I didn't come for the "perks" of being a U.S. Senator.

And I sure as hell didn't come to Washington to help maintain the Big Government, big spending status quo.

I came to Washington to fight to restore the Founding principles of individual liberty, free markets, and constitutional government.

And I believe that starts by returning the GOP to its core principles.

But I can't do it without the help and support of conservatives like you.

That's why - along with your signed Statement of Republican Principles - I hope you'll agree to make a generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, or $50 today.

Your generous contribution will help mobilize millions of Americans to fight to restore our conservative values in Washington.

But there's no time to waste.

The tax-and-spenders got their "fiscal cliff" victory, and now they're going to come out guns blazing in the new Congress.

So over the next couple of weeks, you and I are going to be faced with an onslaught from the statists in Washington.

Gun-control schemes. Tax hikes. Out-of-control spending. More attacks on our personal liberty.

There's no telling how far they'll go.

That's why you and I must send a loud-and-clear message to the Republican establishment that grassroots conservatives aren't going to sit idly by and allow them to sell out our values for political expediency.

So please sign your Statement of Republican Principles IMMEDIATELY.

My plan is to circulate your Statement of Republican Principles to my colleagues to let them know you've had enough of the status quo in Washington.

And if at all possible, I hope you'll agree to make a generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50 - or whatever you can afford - today.

I know times are tough for a lot of folks out there.

But if you and I don't stand up and fight back - NOW - it's only going to get worse.

So please sign your Statement of Republican Principles, and if at all possible agree to make your most generous contribution immediately.

Together, you and I can restore constitutional government in America.

In Liberty,
Senator Rand Paul

P.S. With their victory in the “fiscal cliff” fight, the statists are going to waste no time trying to ram through their Big Government agenda.

If we're going to win this fight, you and I must turn up the heat on the GOP to stand up and fight for our core principles.

So please sign your Statement of Republican Principles, and if at all possible agree to make a generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, or $50.


Paid for by Rand Paul for Senate 2016.


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