America is on the verge of callapse
is on the verge of collapse
Here’s the #1
Way to Protect Yourself from the Chaos Ahead
I know the news I bring you today isn’t easy to hear. But once you
understand the magnitude of the financial crisis dead ahead, I guarantee
you’ll be glad you listened.You see, unfortunately, most of your fellow Americans will be taken by surprise as this catastrophe unfolds despite the alarm bells I’m sounding. And I’m not the only one ...
Renowned New York University economist Nouriel Roubini — who accurately predicted the housing collapse and the global recession — puts the risk of a global economic meltdown at 50%.
Famed investor Jim Rogers says a global economic collapse is a done deal.
Goldman Sachs, while publicly stating that everything will be just fine, secretly authored a 54-page report telling institutional clients how to bet on another huge financial collapse.
The International Monetary Fund is slashing global growth forecasts, and it is now predicting a full-blown European recession.
Deep down, people sense that everything is not all right. That’s why an incredible 48% of Americans say another Great Depression is likely in 2012.
Yet, most investors are shockingly unprepared for what lies ahead.
America Has Reached a
Tipping Point
This economic meltdown will have devastating consequences that most
people have never dreamed of. What will you do when ...More than 25 years ago, he arranged for a then little-known Texas Congressman named Ron Paul to be a keynote speaker at a series of monetary conferences. Charles has also been a participant in the political debate as a radio talk show host, writer and popular public speaker. He is often called upon to share his views with national audiences, including the Glenn Beck Show, the O'Reilly Factor, FreedomWatch, Lou Dobbs Tonight, The American Conservative magazine, and He is also the author of a New York Times bestseller, The Dollar Meltdown. Today, Charles wants to bring you the truth about the state of our economy, the folly of our government and Wall Street, and the very real assaults on your wealth and your liberty. His simple, step-by-step advice will help you protect your family, your finances and your freedom in today’s turbulent times. Learn how to get his American Breaking Point Survival Kit FREE. |
The banking collapse — which will be much worse than anything we saw during the 2008 financial crisis — means you can’t use your credit or debit cards ...
Runaway inflation sends the cost of everything from bread to milk to gasoline soaring ...
And people’s frustration, anger and fear explode into riots on our streets.
Unfortunately, this is NOT a far-fetched scenario. In fact, some of the smartest investors and economists on the planet are preparing for the worst as we speak.
Here’s billionaire investor George Soros predicting violent unrest on the streets of America:
"It will be an excuse for cracking down and using strong-arm tactics to maintain law and order, which, carried to an extreme, could bring about a repressive political system, a society where individual liberty is much more constrained," Soros tells Newsweek. "We are facing an extremely difficult time, comparable in many ways to the 1930s, the Great Depression.”
Harvard economist Kenneth Rogoff, co-author of a bestselling book on financial crises, This Time It’s Different, told Forbes that the high unemployment rate and high levels of debt in the U.S. will sooner or later trigger serious “social unrest from the income disparities in the U.S.”
Even former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski warns “we're going to slide into intensified social conflicts, social hostility, some forms of radicalism."
So I have just one simple question for you ...
What’s Your Plan?
You DO have a plan, don’t you?Are you prepared for $10 a gallon gasoline? Are you prepared for your grocery bills to skyrocket 30%, 40%, even 50%?
Are you prepared to survive with no cash, no credit, no debit cards when the financial system collapses?
Are you prepared to feed your family and put gas in the car when your dollar bills are worth less than the paper they are printed on?
If you want to protect your family, if you want to safeguard your finances, then you must prepare now to survive the calamity ahead.
You see, it’s not a question of if this economic collapse will happen, but when.
And if you wait until the meltdown begins, it will be too late.
The #1 Step You Can Take
to Protect Your Family and Your Finances Today
That’s why I’ve created my American Breaking Point Survival Kit — it’s
your common-sense guide to surviving the turmoil ahead — and I want to
give you instant access to it today. This remarkable kit contains everything you need to know to survive — and even thrive — as this crisis unfolds.
NO sound-minded American should be without it.
In this Survival Kit, you’ll discover:
- What you can do today to protect yourself from runaway inflation.
- Why a dollar collapse is inevitable. The Fed’s reckless policies
have destroyed the U.S. dollar and set a course for financial
- The single event that will send oil prices skyrocketing — and make
$10 gas a reality.
- What the European debt crisis and coming recession mean for
- How to protect your money from the greedy hands of the government
while the greatest wealth redistribution scam in our country’s history
is underway.
- Why the NEXT Gulf War has already begun.
- The “mother of all bubbles” that’s about to pop (I guarantee it’s
not what you think it is!) and what it means for every investment you
- The coming banking crisis will be far worse than anything we saw
during the financial crisis. Is your bank safe?
- Which investments will survive the coming meltdown and safeguard
your money.
- The dos and don’ts of buying gold and silver.
- The smartest way to invest in bonds today.
- My top investments for getting your investments off the grid and
into real assets that will survive the coming meltdown.
- Simple steps you can take right now to protect yourself from a
banking collapse.
- How to prepare now so your family is safe in the event of civil
- And MUCH more!
Get Your Survival
Ordering your Survival Kit today is the number-one step you can take to
protect your finances, your family and your future from the turmoil
ahead.Your American Breaking Point Survival Kit includes:
Urgent Exposé: America’s Day of Reckoning: How
It Will Unfold, and 4 Steps to Preserving Your Life’s
There are plenty of people in the government and on Wall Street who
hope you’ll never see this uncensored Special Report. In it, you’ll
discover the truth about seven unstoppable events that are driving our
economy to the brink of disaster. This deadly combination of dangers from at home and abroad will have grave consequences for our great nation that will impact your investments, your family, and even your very freedom.
These events are unfolding at a dizzying pace right before our eyes — yet most people are missing the big picture. This in-depth report reveals everything you need to know about these seven events — all already underway — and four simple steps you can take to prepare now for the fallout.
Getting Off the Grid: Saving Your Wealth from
You see, 90%-95% of Americans have their wealth tied into the rapidly
decaying financial grid.As I’ll explain, there’s a tsunami of bank collapses about to wash over anyone with their funds tied to the banker’s web.
It’s not a matter of if. It’s a matter of when.
More than ever before, you must make sure your wealth is secured.
In fact, the situation is so dire, the courts have literally legalized theft by giving banks the right to use your money to cover their losses.
I’ll tell you all about this, and more, in the second free report I’d like to give you today — Getting Off the Grid: Saving Your Wealth from Washington.
In this report I’ll explain every way the government has quietly infiltrated your life ... how it’s monitoring your wealth ... and how it will take it all from you without a moment’s notice.
Plus ...
- Two quick steps for getting your wealth ‘off the grid’ and away from
Uncle Sam’s sticky fingers ...
- The eight treacherous institutions you’ve entrusted every cent of
your life’s work to and why they’ll soon turn around and leave you
without a penny to your name in the face of the worst government-wide
confiscation of private wealth in more than 80 years! (Plus, how to
escape these treacherous wealth-killers and where to store your money
for bomb-shelter level security) ...
- Four factors that have sealed the fate of the dollar and our monetary system as a whole.
Plus, in another free report I’ll give you ...
Ten Monstrous Government Lies
That Are Affecting You Right Now
I explain, in detail, every major lie Uncle Sam is pitching you.That Are Affecting You Right Now
This report is crucial, because much of what the government says it’s doing is absolutely false.
You’re being fed bald-faced lies every single day. And many of them are worse than the two I’ve already mentioned. Our government — a bunch of pandering politicians who only care for getting re-elected — has turned its back on us. In the blink of an eye they have become the very monster the founders of this country revolted against: A corrupt and tyrannical beast.
However, there are precautions you can put into motion today that will protect you.
Washington’s web of lies has ensnared thousands of people — and as a result, most are completely vulnerable.
But by knowing each of these major deceptions, you can position yourself away from the danger and strategically protect your wealth.
I’ll give you full details on these strategies, and all the lies, in my report. And I’d like to send you this report free of charge, too ... along with my brand-new, step-by-step ...
Insider’s Guide to Buying
But before you buy silver, this report is a must-read. Learn everything you need to know about how to get the best price, find a dealer you can trust, avoid common scams, which types of silver you do and don’t want to buy, and more. This comprehensive guide gives you everything you need to make one of the smartest investments of your lifetime.
So I’m sure you can see why ...
This American Breaking Point Survival Kit is a must-have for every family.
Here’s how you can claim your kit today with all these reports ...
Take A Risk-Free One Year Test Drive of My Hot New
All you have to do to claim these reports is agree to a 1-year
risk-free trial of my publication, Freedom & Prosperity
Letter.In every issue we tackle important questions like ...
Does Iran really have nuclear weapons? Are we on a collision course to our next Gulf War? When will oil hit $200? What’s the best way to profit and protect your investments from skyrocketing oil prices? Do you need a home generator? How do you know if your bank is safe? And how do you protect your gold from Uncle Sam?
And more importantly, I give you specific investments you can use to safeguard your wealth — and even profit from — the government’s missteps, intrusions, and outright lies.
With your subscription to my Freedom & Prosperity Letter, you’ll have me by your side every day cutting through the lies to reveal the truth about our economy, exposing the dirty tricks of the governing and moneyed class, warning you about the assaults on your liberty, and showing you how to protect your family, your freedom and your finances.
Your Freedom & Prosperity newsletter includes a monthly letter (available online), weekly email updates, full access to our exclusive subscriber-only website, regular podcasts and much more.
Claim Your Subscription
FREE Survival Kit Now!
Act right now and you can claim your subscription ... and all these
reports ... for just $39.FREE Survival Kit Now!
I don’t know about you ... but I think that’s a screaming deal.
For just $39, here’s what you’ll get in the American Breaking Point Survival Kit ...
- America’s Day of Reckoning: How It Will Unfold, and 4 Steps
to Preserving Your Life’s Work. The seven horsemen of America’s
financial apocalypse: How they were created, why they can’t be stopped,
and how to avoid being trampled in the bedlam that will follow their
arrival ($49 value) ...
- Getting Off the Grid: Saving Your Wealth from Washington.
How to make sure every cent you’ve worked your entire life for
isn’t seized by Uncle Sam in a moment of desperation. Because right now,
there’s a good chance they could take every penny you have in the blink
of an eye ($49 value) ...
- Ten Monstrous Government Lies That Are Affecting You Right
Now. You’ll learn about every deceitful statistic and
government half-truth being spun by the president and his merry band of
Congressional thieves ($49 value) ...
- The Guide to Buying Silver. In this report, you’ll
get complete details on the most common silver scams ... where to buy
silver ... how to get the best price ... and much more ($49
value) ...
- Plus, a one-year subscription to Freedom & Prosperity Letter — where I’ll come to you every month with a fresh analysis of the markets, a clear outlook of the political landscape, and simple ideas you can take to the bank to guard and grow your wealth ($99 value).
My Personal 100%
Money-Back Guarantee
I’m a straight-forward man. As a person who has fought government
institutions, swindlers, and bureaucracy for nearly three decades, I like
to keep things simple and honest.No mountains of paperwork or lawyers and complicated clauses. So today, I’m going to promise that your initial $39 subscription fee will be insured for the next year.
If you genuinely think my publication — Freedom & Prosperity Letter — wasn’t worth the small sum you paid to receive it, then just let me know and my customer service team will give you a full refund. You can keep any issues of the newsletter or reports you’ve downloaded or printed out as my way of saying “thanks for giving it a try.”
I only ask that you consider sending me an email to explain what I could’ve done differently to make the letter more satisfying for you.
Again, just test drive my newsletter for the next 12 months. You can hold that subscription until the very last day of the trial ... and if it doesn’t work out, you can just call my support team who will make sure you’re refunded every red cent.
So there you have it: No weasel clauses, no tiny text, no complication. If you’re not 100% satisfied by the end of your one year trial, then everything you received until that point is on the house.
How to Get Started ...
Let’s be clear: If you think Washington is looking out for your best
interests, this newsletter is not for you.If you think problems with the dollar ... debt ... and outright government malfeasance will just magically work out, this newsletter is not for you.
However, if you want honest, straight-from-the-heart political commentary and honest solutions that can help you keep your family, your freedoms, and your wealth safe, then Freedom & Prosperity Letter IS for you.
You get four free reports in this Survival Kit, each valued at $49.
With your newsletter subscription, that’s a total value of $295 ... all for just $39 ... and I think you stand to make that amount back in spades.
By subscribing today, you’re saving $256.
Best of all, you can look at all my research, commentary, and recommendations at absolutely no risk or obligation.
Test it out until the 364th day of your subscription and if you don’t think I’ve done my job and you’d like a refund, just let me know.
I’ll see that you get back every cent of what you paid.
So, I urge you to click on “Subscribe Now” below, fill out your One-Year Trial Claim Certificate, and get access to your American Breaking Point Survival Kit.
You’ll quickly receive the login details for an exclusive subscribers-only website where you can read all the reports I’ve mentioned, plus listen to all the podcasts we’ve previously recorded.
You can get started on the road to a freer, richer life in just five minutes.
I hope to hear from you right away. To get started, Subscribe Now.
Yours for freedom and prosperity,
Charles Goyette
Editor, Freedom & Prosperity Letter