Questions to presidential candidates

My name is Constantin Burlacu, I am an American citizen, and a former political prisoner during the communist dictatorship in my native country, Romania. As we know, when the Nazi regime collapsed in Europe, the US and their allies put Nazis on trial for their crimes against humanity in the Nuremberg court. I would like to know why after the Communist Evil Empire collapsed, instead of putting communists on trial for their crimes, genocides and red holocaust against humanity (over 100 million innocent people were murdered by the communist tyranny from 1917 to 1991), the US and their allies are doing business with former communists, and make these criminals super-rich overnight? Mr. President Obama and Mr. Governor Romney, do you support the victims of communism to help bring their criminals to justice or not? Thank You, Constantin Burlacu PhD 464 Woodward Ave, Apt.2L Ridgewood, NY 11385 E-Mail: DACIALAN@AOL.COM Tel: 718-381-3804 .................................................................................................................. Subject: Automatic reply: Questions to presidential candidates Date: 10/12/2012 2:10:42 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time From: To: Send IM to: DACIA Sent from the Internet (Details) Thank you for your comment. Although this account is monitored daily, we are unable to personally respond to all comments due to the large volume. We appreciate your interest. = ........................................................................................................... Subject: Thank You for Your Question Date: 10/17/2012 3:31:04 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time From: To: Send IM to: DACIA Sent from the Internet (Details) Constantin, Thank you for contacting me to learn more about my policy positions. I appreciate your interest in my campaign for president. Over the course of the campaign, I look forward to having a continuing conversation with voters about the issues that are so important to ensuring our success as a nation. I hope you’ll take the time to learn about my views at I am running for president because I believe in America and know that our best days are still ahead. I believe that the principles that made America the leader of the world today – freedom, opportunity, and free enterprise to name just a few – are the very principles that will keep America the leader of the world tomorrow. These last few years have not been the best of times. But, while we’ve lost a few years, we have not lost our way. Again, thank you for contacting me. I encourage you to visit my website at to connect further with my campaign and learn about my vision for America’s future. Sincerely, Mitt Romney ...................................................................................................... Subject: From CNN Date: 10/12/2012 1:11:17 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time From: To: Send IM to: DACIA LANDACIALAN@AOL.COM Sent from the Internet (Details) Thank you for taking the time to send us an email. This auto reply is your notification that we have received your comment. While we are unable to personally reply to every e-mail, your comments are important to us, and we do read each and every one. Comments become part of the viewer response report that is prepared and made available each day to our producers and senior management. If you have mistakenly submitted a question or story idea through this comments section, please allow time for it to be tagged as such and routed to the appropriate persons for handling. We'd like to share some information with you; CNN is proud to announce that Anderson will once again host this year's CNN Heroes. Nominations are now being accepted so if you know a Hero - someone who inspires you with their efforts to make the world a better place -- tell us about it! Click here and let Anderson show you how. Each Friday night on AC360 you can hear about the latest CNN Hero, and you can meet all this year's CNN Heroes on the AC360 blog. Again, thank you for contacting us, and please visit the attached links for more information on our anchors, programs and schedules: Would you like additional information on our anchors? Please visit our anchor bio section at Would you like to review transcripts of CNN programming? Please visit our transcript at Do you need information on the show schedules? Please visit us at Thanks again for your interest and keep your browser pointed to Regards, Viewer Communications Management "CNN, The Most Trusted Name In News" ........................................................................................................ Subject: Ticket #15067-55396 Date: 10/12/2012 2:31:30 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time From: To: Send IM to: DACIA LANDACIALAN@AOL.COM Sent from the Internet (Details) Dear Constantin Burlacu,PhD, Thank you for contacting The Washington Post. Washington Post Customer Care is staffed from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. weekdays. A customer service representative will respond to your inquiry during business hours, within three business days. The following Customer(s) have been CC'ed: Ticket Information: Ticket #: 15067-55396 Date Created: 10/12/2012 02:30 PM EDT Ticket Origin: Web Site Reader: Constantin Burlacu,PhD (DACIALAN@AOL.COM) Request Type: Other Request Sub-Type: Other Mobile Request Type: Summary: Questions to presidential candidates Description: My name is Constantin Burlacu, I am an American citizen, and a former political prisoner during the communist dictatorship in my native country, Romania. As we know, when the Nazi regime collapsed in Europe, the US and their allies put Nazis on trial for their crimes against humanity in the Nuremberg court. I would like to know why after the Communist Evil Empire collapsed, instead of putting communists on trial for their crimes, genocides and red holocaust against humanity (over 100 million innocent people were murdered by the communist tyranny from 1917 to 1991), the US and their allies are doing business with former communists, and make these criminals super-rich overnight? Mr. President Obama and Mr. Governor Romney, do you support the victims of communism to help bring their criminals to justice or not? Thank You, Constantin Burlacu PhD 464 Woodward Ave, Apt.2L Ridgewood, NY 11385 E-Mail: DACIALAN@AOL.COM Tel: 718-381-3804 Subject: Thank You for Your Email Date: 10/17/2012 11:22:25 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time From: To: Send IM to: DACIA Sent from the Internet (Details) Friend - Thank you for your email. If you would like to contact the Obama for America campaign, please visit At you can: · Write to us with a question, comment, or feedback. · Let us know if you have an issue with a donation. · Let us know if you have any technical difficulties with our website. You can also reach us by calling (312) 698-3670. If you’re interested in volunteering, please visit: For information about registering to vote, please visit: If you are writing regarding an issue with your 2012 Merchandise, please call 1-800-556-5975. For the most up to date information about the campaign, please bookmark Thank you, Obama for America ............................................................................................. Subject: Thank you, Constantin Date: 10/17/2012 2:23:53 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time From: To: Send IM to: DACIA LANDACIALAN@AOL.COM Sent from the Internet (Details) Constantin -- When you watch the results come in on Election Night, you probably won't be thinking back to today. But the outcome will absolutely depend on what we do right now. We can win this the right way, but it's going to take every single one of us getting on board and pitching in what we can, when we can -- whether that's time, energy, or a few hard-earned dollars. I know Barack is going to be out there fighting hard up until the very end -- taking his case straight to the American people, talking with voters all across the country. Thanks, Michelle ..................................................................


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