"Sfantul" crestin Gheorghe Calciu-Dumitreasa

“Among the re-educated in our cell, the most dangerous at that time was one Gheorghe Calciu, a former medical student nickname “L’Eminence grise” of Director Goiciu. He was one of de most devotated and determined products of re-education, and to some extend he took Turcanu’s place.” Dumitru Bacu, the Anti-Human (Solders of the Cross,Englewood,Colorado 80110,USA) Edition 1971,pag.224

PS. The original Romanian manuscript, under the title,Pitesti, Centru de Reeducare Studenteasca, was published at Madrid in 1963.

PS 2. Gheorghe Calciu was assistant director of O.D.C.C. (Organizatia Detinutilor cu Convingeri Comuniste)


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