

In elaborate reports by the Romanian Service of Information (SRI) I discovered that this institution’s principal interest is to protect the Jewish community, synagogues, Jewish cemeteries, and the Jews’ dirty business in Romania. This disturbing and appalling news, which is still true today, appeared for the first time in the Romanian newspaper “Adevarul” in 1994. Romanians are under careful surveillance by this institution, and many, especially those who have adopted a nationalist and right-wing ideology, are being arrested, tortured and condemned to prisons. This clearly concludes that the SRI has no patriotism, nor any regard for the Romanian people. It continues to be a Political Police, no different from the way the Securitatea (communist secret police) was during the communist dictatorship regime in Romania. The difference is that the Securitatea was subordinate to the KGB while the SRI is subordinate to the Mossad. I would like to also point out that the Romanian secret services attempted to discredit, compromise, and destroy my character by giving the mass-media false information about me. These false accusations made against me by the SRI, were published in the Romanian newspaper “Evenimentul Zilei” and other newspapers.

In information released to the press by the SRI, I was brutally criticized and accused of inciting Romanians to violence against ethnic groups who conspire to take over Romania and to place Romanians and their country under a foreign minority control and administration. The president of Israel, Shimon Peres said that “We bought Romania…”, so Romania today is a Jewish, Hungarian, and Gypsy colony ruled by the Jewish billionaire George Soros and his Jewish Zionist circles. Romania today not only faces an economic crisis, but an economic and social genocide, while the SRI does nothing to stop the corruption, robberies, chaos, and inflation that goes on. On the contrary, they facilitate economic espionage, while under the guise of foreign investors; they plunder all of its natural resources, especially gold riches, like the Mafia, with the support of a global dictatorship of Zionist monsters.

When I lived in communist Romania, I was expelled from High School, and had my rights to an education stripped under the accusation that I am the “Son of Legionary”, “Son of the wealthy (Chiabur)”, and an “Enemy of communism”. When I asked them why my rights to study were suppressed, the communist authorities responded that in communist Romania only the sons of those who build a communist society have the right to study, not the sons of people who oppose and fight to destroy communism. Also, being continuously reproached that if I didn’t like the situation, my only choice was to go to America where I could get an education, which I did.

I was followed, arrested, imprisoned and tortured by the communist authorities in Romania for political motives. I was fired from jobs where I held managerial positions in restaurants in Arad, Vaslui, Constanta, and Valcea several times under the accusation of being an American spy and instigating people to revolt against the communist regime. To escape communist persecution, I asked for political asylum in the US and came to this country in 1980 as a political refugee. I would like to emphasize that to delude Western democratic countries into believing that in Romania there are no more opponents against the communist regime, the communist authorities used psychiatry for political and criminal purposes. So Romanian freedom fighters, who fought for freedom, justice, truth and to destroy the communist evil empire were diagnosed by the communist authorities as being “marked by psychotic disturbances with an impact on their behavior” or that they suffer from “a syndrome of retardation”, “manifesting psychotic tendencies reactive of a paranoiac type” and were forcefully put in jails or psychiatric hospitals. By using these inhumane and criminal methods they destroyed the honor, prestige and character of the Romanian freedom fighters. With these anti-humane methods the public’s opinion in the free world was tendentiously misinformed and manipulated by the communist dictatorship regime, which my family and I were victims of.

In December 2010 I was unjustly accused, by George Bara, a notorious individual from the publication Napoca-News, of being an accomplice to the actions of the Romanian Service of Information, Department of External Information (DIE); of sending threatening letters to ethnic groups in Romania and of killing a Zionist-mason-communist, Ioan Petru Culianu, in Chicago. Mr. Culianu collects information about Romanian nationalists and anti-communists in exile, especially those that are members or sympathizers of the Iron Guard for Zionists. I did address a letter to the Romanian Service of Information to elucidate the accusations of any affiliation with this institution’s activities, not because I trust this institution as their reply stated. Furthermore, I never asked the SRI to do anything illegal, but rather asked them to investigate my case in which I was unjustly accused of complicity with this institution. In their reply to me, they stated that my solicitation “exceeds the legal competences of the Romanian Service of Information”. This is proof that the SRI tries running from their responsibilities, in which it’s involved, and refuses to clarify the situation.

There is no proof or evidence against me committing such crimes, but the Romanian left-wing newspaper, with pro-Zionist-communist concepts, published erroneous information about me being suspected, arrested, and interrogated by the FBI for killing two communist spies, Culianu in the US and Dragan in Canada. I did address myself to the FBI to clarify the situation. The reply from the FBI stated that the information which appeared in newspapers about me are not based on any real facts and are simply speculations invented by unprofessional journalists who try to deliberately discredit and compromise me.

This is not the only instance where the SRI (the new name of the Securitatea), and the Zionist circle attempt to blackmail and use violence, terrorist and criminal methods against my family and me. For example:

-My parents, Petru and Elena Burlacu were arrested, imprisoned and tortured for anti-communist political motives by the Zionist-communist Secret Police in Romania. My father was an active member of the Iron Guard and a war veteran. In the year 2000 he lost his life because of the depression provoked by the pro-communist-Zionist regime in power in Romania by refusing to return the land and property confiscated from him by the Zionist-communist dictatorship regime. Also, many of my relatives were detained and interrogated by the Zionist political police (Securitatea) because they have connections with my parents, uncles and I who were very active in the national resistance movement against communist tyranny.

-My uncle, Ion Burlacu, during WWII was taken prisoner by the Judeo-Bolsheviks and endured many hard years in the Soviet Gulag because the former King of Romania, Mihai Cohen-Zollern, betrayed the war against the Communist Evil Empire. When he returned to Romania, he was brought straight to prison by the Zionist-communist police, under the accusation that he was a leader of the Legionary Movement and the Iron Guard. He was condemned and imprisoned several times in Romania as a political prisoner. He was brutally tortured by the Zionist officers to the point where he was even forced to eat his own excrement. In retaliation against my coming to the US, the Romanian secret Zionist-communist police poisoned and killed him in 1980.

-When visiting her parents in Romania, my wife Elisabeta Burlacu was arrested and interrogated by the Securitatea in an attempt to extort information from her about my anti-communist activities in the US. She escaped being murdered by the Securitatea several times. Her brother, Gheorghe Busaga, who was an Orthodox priest in Romania, was beaten by the Securitatea in Pitesti (which caused him an early death) under the accusation that I abandoned the Judeo-Christian cabalistic religion and was reborn again a Pagan, as my ancestors the Getae-Dacians were. Today, I believe in Sun-Cult of Zeus Zamolxis, and its divine power, not in the Jew Jesus Christ, a God invented by the Judeo-Christians with the purpose of liberating the Jews as slaves of the Roman Empire and to enslave the Roman Empire and humanity. So look who came to defend the Judeo-Christian religion, the most notorious Marxist-Leninist atheists.

-In order to suppress the nationalist, right-wing and anti-communist activities I developed in exile, Dr. Charles Kremer, a representative of the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the OSI from the US, accused me of being a Nazi and attempted to have me deported from the US as a Nazi war criminal without even taking into consideration the fact that I was born in 1949. Beside this, I also received countless death threats on the phone from individuals claiming to be Jews.

-In 1989, the Romanian Secret Police altered a letter I addressed to the communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and falsely sent hundreds of letters containing serious threats against Jews to Jewish and Zionist organizations in the US under my name.

-Addressing myself to Petru Roman-Neulander (a Jew), the former Prime Minister of Romania, with a letter; I asked for an explanation to why I was expelled from Romania in 1990 on the first airplane back to the US and why an interdiction to enter Romania, my native country, was imposed on me. The answer that I received was not from the Prime Minister, but from Corneliu Coposu the leader of the Peasant Party. Coposu did not answer the question I asked Roman, but rather expressed his devotion and enslaved faith to the Zionist and Israeli community in Romania.

-In a press conference held at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in NYC, a liberal senator from Romania, Radu Campeanu, who was married to a militant communist, declared that he doesn’t know what I have against him. He made this false accusation against me based on the claim that he saw a threatening letter against Ion Iliescu, Petre Roman and himself on the President of Romania’s office that was signed by me. The former liberal senator Campeanu is a Zionist agent similar to Coposu and fabricates these lies hoping that American authorities would hear them and have me arrested and imprisoned so that they could put an end to this Romanian freedom fighter. This is proof that Zionism has a huge influence over SRI and Romanian politicians.

-The Romanian Service of Information does not support the process of condemning communism and refuse to provide, from their files, the names of the people that committed crimes, genocide and a red holocaust against the Romanian nation, peace and humanity during the times of the Soviet occupancy and the communist regime because those responsible for these anti-humane acts are of Jewish origin.

To achieve their goals, Zionists and their collaborators impose their evil laws in Romania. For example: The OUG No.31/2002 and other diabolic laws imposed by Zionists to have Romanians under a microscope. Romanians don’t accept such evil laws, because these laws are hate crimes against Romanians and violate their Human Rights, the right to free speech, liberties, democracy, and the right to determine one’s own life and destiny. In accordance with these Judeo-traditional laws, my book “History of Moldova” and my magazine “The New Right” were confiscated and banned in Romania.

In “History of Moldova”, based on documents and historical sources, I brought to evidence that Romanians are of Getae-Dacian origin and have lived in Romania since the oldest known historical times; the importance and values of the Cult of Sun of Zeus Zamolxis and Pagan divinity; the fact that Jesus Christ is not God, but a Jewish descendant from the Judaic religion; the crimes, genocide and red holocaust committed by the Judeo-communist dictatorship regime against the Romanian nation, peace and humanity; and predicted not only the fall of the Judeo-communist system, but the system of Judeo-capitalism, together with the Judeo-Masonic society, Judeo-Christian society, Judeo-Monarchist systems, and the monstrous and sinister Zionist global conspiracy. The facts I wrote about in “History of Moldova” bothered and irritated the Zionist agents in Romania very severely, so much so, that they arrested and banned my book under the pretext of, and listen to them, “avoiding an International scandal”. But through actual revolutions taking place and the pursuit of liberty, democracy, justice and truth an International scandal erupted anyway. And as satanic communist regimes fell one-by-one the diabolic regime around the world, supported by the Zionist conspiracy, will fall the same way one-by-one. As an example, I’d like to point out what is happening in Egypt and other Arab nations. Whether they like it or not, societies that support Jewish conspiracies like Christianity, Masonry, and Monarchy have reached their end and the time for Neo-Pagan divinity, science and cosmology of the New Ages will begin.

The regime in the former USSR and other former communist countries in Eastern Europe were ruled in 90% proportions by left-wing Jews with Marxism-Leninism ideologies. In the red holocaust which took place during 1917 through 1990 over 100 million innocent people were killed (a statistic recorded by official American sources). These left-wing Jews refuse to be judged in a court similar to Nuremberg trials and continue to intimidate and manipulate people with the Nazi “holocaust”. If you ask them how it was possible that the Nazis killed not less or more, but exactly 6 million Jews, as the Jews claim, you are immediately accused of anti-Semitism and condemned to jail in some countries like Germany and Austria for being “holocaust deniers”. I specified left-wing Jews above because there are right-wing Jews that were a part of the Nazi Army, SS, Gestapo, German Judicial System (facts brought into evidence even by Jewish historians), or sympathized with the right-wing, nationalists and fascists in many countries.

The majority of Jews don’t live in Israel, which they pretend is the “holy land”, but live in other countries so they can dominate them economically, socially, politically, and militaristically. And they justify having this right by pretending to be “God’s chosen people”. In countries occupied by Zionists, the Jews don’t want the take any ordinary jobs, but want to become presidents, prime ministers, senators, congressmen, governors, mayors, ambassadors, judges, prosecutors, and directors for the Treasury, IRS, Wall Street, or the International Monetary Foundation, etc. This is the case not only in countries with a white dominant population like those in Europe, but in the whole world –in Asia, Africa, Australia, North and South America. Any action against them is considered to be an anti-Semitic manifestation.

Recently, during the revolution in Egypt, Israel and the Zionist supremacy elite were extremely against the overthrowing of the dictator Hosin Mubarak, who was an agent for Israel for 30 years, under the accusation that an anti-Semitic movement will erupt. They could not have declared anything more absurd and ridiculous than this. How could anyone make such a stupid and hypocritical declaration when it is known that Egypt is the foremost Semitic country in the Middle East with a population of 84 million Semitic Arabs? From documents and other historical sources provided by Jewish historians I discovered that the majority of Jews who invaded Europe, and later immigrated to America or Israel, do not have a bloodline descending from either the Israel or Judea tribes. They are a race that stemmed from Turkish tribes that converted into Judaism which “used Jewish personal names, spoke and wrote in Hebrew, were circumcised, had synagogues and rabbis, studied the Torah and Talmud, and observed Hanukkah, Pesach, and the Sabbath”, as is mentioned in the history of Khazaria (http://www.khazaria.com). These Zionist-Khazars who founded the Kingdom of Khazaria (652-1016 AD) occupied Palestine illegally and founded the Zionist Racist State of Israel in 1947.

Zionists are against Iran and other Arab countries having nuclear arms, but refuse to give up their own nuclear arsenal. Furthermore, Zionists accuse Semitic nationalist organizations, like: Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah, Baath Party, Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, and others, of being extremist and terrorist, but they refuse to admit that Israel was and still is ruled by extremists and terrorists themselves. They erased Palestine from the map of the world and committed the most horrible genocide and holocaust against the Palestinian population, in Gaza and the West Bank, and other Semitic Arabs. Until a few years ago, Zionists were supported by the Soviet Union (a Judeo-Bolshevik country which they created), but after the collapse of communism, they are supported by the United States and NATO, which they use as the world police to protect their interests and world domination. This is not fair, not right and not democratic. So far, both Romanian governments (Democrat Party or Democrat Social Party) use force and violence against protesters who oppose the Zionist globalist dictatorship. During the communist era, the Romanian nation was forced to eat bones to pay back Romania’s foreign debt. Now, because Romania has a foreign debt of over 100 billion Euros, the Romanian nation is forced, beginning with this year, to eat poison “Codex Alimentarius" as part of The New World Order plan to diminish the Earth’s population to 2 billion people.

In conclusion, I would like to mention that I exposed all of this with the purpose of bringing the truth to light. Zionists pretend their innocence too-much, but are behind all of the wrong-doing on this Earth and represent the greatest danger to humanity. For these reasons, the Zionist diversion and their agents from the Romanian Service of Information and the political arena should not be tolerated, but condemned with all resources and possibilities.

Dr. Constantin Burlacu,
President of the League of National Defense
P.O. Box 292
Brooklyn, NY 11237
Tel/Fax: 718-381-3804

NYC,March 8,2011


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