
Showing posts from September, 2014

This Weapon Could Kickstart WWIII

It's a weird little weapon that could kickstart the next world war. A weapon so easy to produce...that fifth graders make a small version of it for their science projects. A weapon so powerful, that it could trigger a global economic crash, mass pandemics and violent food the same time! And latest reports from DHS reveal that majority of our enemies are preparing to use THIS against us . < > Subject: This Weapon Could Kickstart WWIII Date: 9/25/2014 7:53:42 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time From: To:

CIA Insider issues urgent warning for seniors

Dear GOPUSA Reader, A Washington, DC insider has just provided information on what could become a major scandal for anyone in the process of saving for retirement... The info comes from one of the most well-connected men in America… a CIA insider, and an expert in national security and economics. His name is Jim Rickards. Rickards is a J.D., a lawyer, and an advisor to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which oversees the Department of Homeland Security, the NSA, and 14 other U.S. intelligence agencies. And he probably knows more than anyone else in America about the inner workings of the government, the economy, and the U.S. banking system. In short, Jim Rickards sees a big challenge ahead for any American in the process of saving for Retirement. We’re talking about not only a huge collapse in the stock market (up to 70% or more) but also a collapse in the...

"Executia" - volum inedit de poeme tiparit doar in 500 exemplare- despre cum se mai poate salva Romania si poporul roman!


US, Canda send jets to intercept Russian aircraft

Sep 19th 2014 9:04PM (Reuters) - U.S. and Canadian fighter jets intercepted Russian aircraft that were flying near U.S. and Canadian air space this week, a military spokesman said on Friday. The United States and Russia are increasingly at odds over Ukraine, where Russian-backed separatists have been fighting for control of parts of the former Soviet state. On Wednesday, six Russian aircraft entered the United States' air defense identification zone (ADIZ), an area beyond sovereign U.S. airspace, according to a statement from NORAD, a U.S. and Canadian aerospace command, and U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM). In response, "two Alaskan-based F-22 fighter jets acting under the authority of NORAD identified and intercepted two Russian IL-78 refueling tankers, two Russian Mig-31 fighter jets and two Russian Bear long-range bombers in the ADIZ, west of Alaska," the statement said. On Thursday, Canadian fighter jets intercepted two Russian Bear long-range bo...

A Gross Dereliction of Duty

September 20, 2014 A Gross Dereliction of Duty On Thursday, I voted against the Continuing Resolution that is a product of a dysfunctional law-making process. This resolution tied the auhtorization for military intervention in Syria to a bill to temporarily fund the entire government.  One of the most important and solemn duties we have as members of Congress is to authorize the use of military force and ask the brave men and women in our armed services to put their lives in harm’s way. It is a gross dereliction of that duty – and an insult to those men and women – to tack on a military authorization to a must-pass spending bill, just so members of Congress can hurry back home. If the United States is going to escalate our involvement in a brutal conflict overseas, if we are going to send American troops to arm and train Syrian rebels for their fight against ISIS, we need to debate that decision on its own merits, not as a condition of funding the government. T...

Tea Party


Meyer cere asasinarea lui Putin, diavolul cîntă la Bruxelles, iar Washington-ul cumpără lideri europeni

Maria Diana Popescu   Duminică, 14 Septembrie 2014 13:41 Maria Diana Popescu, art-emisPotrivit publicaţiei „American Thinker”, Herbert Meyer, fost demnitar în administraţia Reagan, solicită într-un articol de presă asasinarea lui Putin: „Dacă trebuie să-l scoatem din Kremlin cu picioarele înainte, cu un glonţ în ceafă, ar fi un lucru bun pentru noi.” Meyer a sugerat administraţiei Obama să caute pionul pentru atentatul la viaţa lui Putin în rîndul elitei de afaceri din Rusia şi Kremlin. Să ferească Dumnezeu omenirea de nebunia criminalilor înscăunaţi de-a dreapta diavolilor! Să ne ferească Dumnezeu de cruzimea fără graniţă dezlănţuită de Washington şi marionetele sale! Să bifăm în context o primă marionetă: Jose Manuel Barroso, instalat special ca preşedinte al Comisiei Europene, astfel ca Washingtonul să poată învîrti Europa pe degete. Acesta a minţit în presă, punînd în gura preşedintele rus Vladimir Putin o falsă ameninţare extrasă din conversaţia telefonică pe care au...

Pope Francis: World's Many Conflicts Amount to WW III

Saturday, 13 Sep 2014 09:16 AM Pope Francis said on Saturday the spate of conflicts around the globe today were effectively a "piecemeal" Third World War, condemning the arms trade and "plotters of terrorism" sowing death and destruction. "Humanity needs to weep and this is the time to weep," Francis said in the homily of a Mass during a visit to Italy's largest war memorial, a large, Fascist-era monument where more than 100,000 soldiers who died in World War One are buried. The pope began his brief visit to northern Italy by first praying in a nearby, separate cemetery for some 15,000 soldiers from five nations of the Austro-Hungarian empire which were on the losing side of the Great War that broke out 100 years ago. "War is madness," he said in his homily before the massive, sloping granite memorial, made of 22 steps on the side of hill with three crosses at the top. "Even today, after the second fail...

Mysterious 'Water of Life' Vanishes? 'Militaries On Alert'

Dear Newsmax Reader: Please find below a message from our advertising sponsor, Money Morning. Our email report is a free service to you with the help of our sponsors. The products, views, and offerings made by advertisers are not necessarily endorsed by   Dear Reader, Below is a satellite photo of the Himalayan Mountains. The area marked in red is where a mysterious discovery known as "the water of life" has been found. And it now threatens to send the world spiraling into chaos. If you look closer at this shocking footage - you'll see that there are now 150 manned posts and 6,000 troops guardi...

Russian General Seeks Nuclear First-Strike Option Against US

Thursday, 04 Sep 2014 07:54 PM By Sean Piccoli   A Russian defense minister wants his country's official military doctrine rewritten to allow for a pre-emptive nuclear attack against the United States and NATO, the Russian-language news agency   Interfax   reports.   Russian Army Gen. Yury Yakubov said the doctrine, last revised in 2010, should be updated to classify the United States and other NATO countries as the "main enemy" of Russia, Interfax reported on Wednesday. Yakubov, who is from the defense ministry's inspector general's office, also said it is time "to hash out the conditions under which Russia could carry out a pre-emptive strike with the Russian Strategic Rocket Forces," according to a translation of the general's remarks by the English-language   Moscow Times .   Urgent:   Do You Approve of Obama's Handling of Foreign Policy? Vote Here   Russia categorizes its nuclear arsenal as a defensive measure to ...

Obama's Electricity Conspiracy EXPOSED

If you're completely fed up with being dependent on those 'fat cat' power monopolies that raise your rates again & again, then you'll love this... A patriot named Frank Bates just created a FREE video that exposes the electricity monopolies and government agencies for what they really are... Incompetent, lying crooks who are counting on your ignorance and fear to keep your electric and heating bills criminally high! 

Is Phil Robertson like ISIS? Hardly ...

By Dr. Michael L. Brown,   September 5, 2014 6:55 am   (File Photo) Maybe he should have said: "The best thing of all would be to lead them to Jesus, but I have little hope that could happen. So, since it's a war they want, we will bring the war to them." But that wouldn't be Phil Robertson - nor is it as catchy as "convert them or kill them."  

An open letter to Barack Obama: World War III is here

By   Larry Gatlin Published September 03, 2014   Dear Mr. President, It’s been quite a summer. The world is not a pretty place right now but I see you have had a chance to play golf. In fact you’ve played golf through the worst of it. Right after announcing that American journalist James Foley had been beheaded. Now I play golf and I enjoy it. But I’m not president of the United States… so I have a little more time. But I digress. Let's skip on down to the really important part... I hope you’ll read closely. There will be a quiz.