
Showing posts from May 15, 2014


By: Jamie Hope 5/8/2014 09:17 PM It has recently come to the attention of the United States that Israel, our ally, has been ramping up its spy efforts in our country. According to Newsweek, “Israel’s aggressive and widespread espionage activity in the US is increasingly angering American government officials and has “crossed red lines.” Why would one of our closest allies resort to spying so heavily on us? In case the officials at the White House haven’t figured it out yet, here are some possible explanations.

Obama seeking third term?

Dear Constantin, Imagine learning Barack Obama had just announced plans to seek a third term as President of the United States. Left-wing radicals all over the country would cheer their chance to tax, spend and regulate our country into oblivion for four more years . . . Thankfully, that nightmare won't come true. Our Constitution limits Presidents to two terms. 

Jindal's Constitutional Carry #Fail, Why Is Israel Spying on US?

Dear Guns & Patriots reader, When Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal spoke to the National Rifle Association’s 2014 meeting in Indianapolis, he gave the impression that he favored the restoration of American gun rights.But, a scant fortnight later back in Louisiana, the Republican Party led by Jindal killed a bill that would have brought constitutional carry to the state. Constitutional carry is ultimate restoration of American gun rights because it means the Constitution is your permit. If you want to keep and bear arms, you can. Simple. It is just as it was before somebody got the idea that armed citizens were a problem. Now, if you want a concealed carry permit in Louisiana, you are looking at $300 and a six to nine-month. This is in a state where we saw law and order absolutely breakdown in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Such was the chaos that when the police and sheriffs were not looting or gunning down innocent citizens in the streets, they were going door-to-door and