
Showing posts from January 2, 2014

From the desk of Ann Coulter


Consiliul Unirii vă urează unitate și speranță în anul 2014!

Manifestările de anvergură ale acestor două Platforme unioniste au impus ridicarea tabu-ului de pe subiectul Unirii – drept cea mai scurtă cale de desprindere a Basarabiei de orbita rusească ș i de integrare în NATO ș i UE. Au avut loc dezbateri la televiziuni, mai mul ț i lideri de opinie, cercetători ș i politicieni de la Putere, inclusiv Pre ș edintele României, invocând imperativul refacerii unită ț ii na ț ionale prin reunirea celor două state române ș ti. Consiliul Unirii a salutat – în anul 2013 – declara ț iile menite să ”Readucă Basarabia Acasă” ale unor înal ț i demnitari români, inclusiv parlamentari. Reunificarea ar însemna salvarea teritoriului multpătimit ș i a popula ț iei lui zbuciumate ș i nedreptă ț ite din stânga Prutului. Consiliu Unirii dore ș te ca Republica Moldova , prin greută ț i, dar, totu ș i, să avanseze spre Vest ș i a salutat că UE a acceptat parafarea acordurilor asociative cu cel de-al doilea stat românesc, printr-un sprijin major ș i d

The Illuminati [Secret Society] Puts a Deathgrip on America

Dear concerned citizen, The dark years of Illuminati are over. Once on the brink of extinction, the secret society has powerfully re-emerged in the United States. In fact, it now wields more power than ever. As founder of a major publication, Wall Street Daily , I can say the following with absolute conviction.... Illuminati was behind every consequential wealth event of the past year. Its biggest coup was the emergence of bitcoin. (Crypto-currencies have always been the classic signature of Illuminati.) Please be warned... Illuminati's next bombshell will be even bigger. It's scheduled to hit America in January. While the public desperately waits for the dust to settle... Illuminati members will get even richer. To access the full Illuminati Report , including details of its next bombshell, click the link below. Yes, I'd like to access the Illuminati Report . Happy New Year,  Robert Williams Founder, Wall Street Daily

Beyonce Shouldn't Defend Use of Challenger Disaster Clip in "XO"

Using an audio clip from a national tragedy doesn't bring more depth to her upbeat pop song By Donna Kaufman - December 31, 2014
Dear Constantin, I want to let you in on the worst-kept secret in Washington. The millions of health insurance cancellations sweeping the nation thanks to ObamaCare? They’re not tragic accidents -- they’re part of the plan . In order to keep ObamaCare going, the White House needs to force as many people as possible to pay into its new insurance exchanges. And they knew that would never happen as long as ObamaCare had to compete with private insurers, who actually had to earn Americans’ business. So they decided the law had to drive Americans out of private insurance plans the vast majority were perfectly happy with . Barack Obama and Kathleen Sebelius’s Department of Health and Human Services did that by making up new so-called “standards” that they knew existing plans didn’t meet. According to their own estimates, the so-called “minimum essential benefits” insurers must now cover would

Welcome to your best year ever!

by Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D. Happy New Year, Constantin, You are going to have scores of opportunities to go for huge profits over the next 365 days — and you have my word that the entire Money and Markets team will be there for you every step of the way. Our mission in 2014 is to do everything in our power to make this YOUR most profitable year ever: To help you preserve and grow your wealth as never before. And the great news is, with U.S. stocks and interest rates rising — and with gold and silver setting the stage for huge advances in 2014 — your profit potential has never been better! Please accept our sincerest gratitude for the friendship and loyalty you showed us in 2013 and our best wishes for the year ahead. Here's to a very, VERY happy new year for you in 2014! Good luck and God bless, Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D. and the Money and Markets team